Example sentences of "[prep] a good [noun] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It can only be surmised that the Marquis was feeling pretty flush after a good win when he made that entry into his accounts , or the caddie was a highly favoured young man indeed , for four shillings at that time would have been over the top on the percentages that a caddie can expect from his round nowadays .
2 It is difficult to put forward a programme which holds out hope of a better life when you have singularly failed to live up to your promises during your term of office .
3 We ca n't think of a better guarantee that you 'll get what you pay for .
4 Such conflicts can be fought out with a vision of a better world as I hope some of the above discussion has suggested .
5 ‘ You 'll think of a good word when you 've seen Richie .
6 But Fitzgerald added : ‘ I believe we have the nucleus of a good squad but it will take time to reach its full potential . ’
7 Always thought it a wicked waste of a good nurse when she chucked it to marry .
8 ‘ The jacuzzi can be rather too much of a good thing if you 're not used to it . ’
9 A sign of a good teacher that you know ask a student a question , point out to him that he 's not been paying attention .
10 In terms of offering prisoners a range of opportunities to address their offending behaviour and to take up erm an interest or activity which will channel them into other activities , I think at the moment we do less of a good job than we will two years down the line , I think the emphasis now is very much on opportunity and responsibility
11 So poems are elusive because you get the idea that actually working out your idea so it comes down on paper and it looks like a good poem and it says what you want to say and it does n't spoil the effect etcetera so you 've really captured your poem .
12 I thought it sounded like a good idea as it would give me a taster .
13 ‘ It seemed like a good deal so we went down to Rufford to check the company out .
14 b Incinerators sound like a good option but they release highly toxic gases .
15 The man with the sting made his living trawling for prawns , and fishing for mero , which he sold to the holiday village cafés , for a better price than he got from the locals .
16 Chris Broad looked set for a good knock as he crashed the first four of the day … but Gloucestershire then got themselves into trouble against the bowling of Gordon Harris …
17 Fabia had been in her room for a good half-hour before she cooled down sufficiently to realise that maybe her reaction to Lubor 's hauling her into his arms had been a little — fierce — perhaps .
18 But as many as are thus sottish , let them enjoy their own wildness and ignorance , it is sufficient for a good man that he is conscious unto himself that he is more nobly descended , better bred and born , and more skilfully taught by the purged faculties of his own mind.2
19 I had to listen for a good hour while he burbled on about variably apertured annuity options and the like .
20 This time , the exact number of moves per game was not fixed at 200 but was left open , for a good reason that I shall come to later .
21 It was nice of them to let me join in , they were very patient , but you could see they were itching for a good game and I 'm just hopeless .
22 ‘ Women always ask for a good contraceptive because they really need one .
23 ‘ Hopefully people will buy the booklet and will be sponsored for a good cause when they do the walk so charity will gain twice . ’
24 Sandalwood is the base note regarded by many perfumers as a good fixative because it harmonises well as a background to a wide variety of blends .
25 Teachers definitely think of you as a good athlete if you 're black .
26 Not surprisingly , he saw the news of the Club and course as a good story and they were given generous coverage for many years .
27 And because 59% of men regret divorce ( but only 29% of women ) , it seems that men do n't recognise marriage as a good thing when they have it .
28 Whisked ‘ Andrew has always regarded her as a good mother but he can no longer turn a blind eye to her behaviour .
29 Give-aways such as book matches , note pads , pens , pencils , diaries , calendars and stationery , can be regarded as a good investment if they promote the good image of the establishment .
30 Counterfeiting is a deliberate attempt to confuse consumers by copying a well-known trademark , generally along with the packaging , to suggest that a product is made by a manufacturer with a good reputation when it is , in fact , inferior .
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