Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj] national [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The existence of a cheap national network of accommodation , however diffuse , unstructured and unregulated , is one reason why Forte and other groups have not opened super-budget hotels like their French counterpart Accor , where rooms sell at approximately £15 a night .
2 Fishermen , who had their own local unions , defied national organisation until the emergence in 1919 of a sectional National Union of British Fishermen which three years later became a founder society of Bevin 's Transport and General Workers ' amalgamation .
3 While there was therefore a move towards a single national agency of finance , this was not fully achieved and the divisions which remained had no obvious rationale .
4 The research has provided a basis for the future assessment of specific LEAs and the comparability of the results with a major national survey of 13 other LEAs makes them more generally applicable .
5 Short of mass expulsion or the annihilation of the Albanians of Kosovo , the problems of Kosovo will never be solved until the Serbs accept the Albanians as an equal national component of Yugoslavia , entitled to the same treatment as all the other Yugoslav nations .
6 The computer for the National Cancer Center will form the central database for an online national network of imaging data on cancer patients .
7 It is intended to identify specific issues for attention within a comprehensive national agenda of issues of science and technology policy thought likely to be prominent over the next 10-15 years .
8 Legislative power is vested in a single-chamber National Assembly of 175 members , also elected for a five-year term .
9 Data will be collected by interviews with heads and teachers in an initial national sample of fifty schools and by detailed classroom studies in a sub-sample of ten of the schools .
10 Through the work of the teacher placement organisers available in each authority together with a national support service , there exists a combination of a devolved , flexible and supportive structure focused on a strategic national framework of aims and objectives .
11 The delegates to an extraordinary national conference of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi ( Party of the Revolution ) voted unanimously on Feb. 19 for the introduction of a multiparty system .
12 Unity with Joshua Nkomo 's PF-ZAPU was finally sealed at a joint national congress of the two parties in December 1989 .
13 How Britain 's small businesses are funded was discussed at a recent national conference of the institute of directors .
14 On Aug. 9 , at an extraordinary national congress of UNIP , Kaunda was unanimously re-elected party leader .
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