Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj] [n mass] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The Bill 's initial popularity began to wane after an intense media barrage of highly critical commercials .
2 This research grew out of an earlier project ( funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the History of the University of Oxford ) to collect data on the social origins , university experience and career destination of a stratified 10% sample of Oxford University 's twentieth century members .
3 Under similar circumstances in southern Brazil in 1958 , 20% of a total sheep population of 12 million died from intestinal trichostrongylosis .
4 The company also said it is working out details of a tentative $5m settlement of a shareholder suit filed after it lost its only Cray-3 customer .
5 The company also said it is working out details of a tentative $5m settlement of a shareholder suit filed after it lost its only Cray-3 customer .
6 The company hoped for early completion of a stalled £1.25billion sale of Australian brewing assets to New Zealand brewer Lion Nathan .
7 To meet this Operation ‘ Tiger ’ convoy , the Mediterranean Fleet also steamed out of Alexandria , heading for a planned rendezvous south of Malta .
8 A Jaguar of the same vintage is down to just £7,000 , and an H-registration Ford Scorpio 2.0i automatic which currently costs £18,000 could be yours for a mere £6,850. depreciation of more than £5,000 a year , or £100 per week .
9 We have 1,000 vouchers for a free 500g/1¼lb pack of Saxby 's puff or shortcrust pastry and a recipe leaflet .
10 It was during this time that as a senior staff officer of V Corps he had been involved with some of the orders to repatriate the Russian and Yugoslav prisoners .
11 It is looking for products with a worldwide sales potential of $30m to $100m in three to five years .
12 Twelve 22ml tubes of colour are included , along with a large 59ml tube of titanium white , Gloss Medium for mixing with the paint to give a higher sheen , two Liquitex hog brushes and the introductory booklet .
13 With a claimed 25% share of the European high-end Token Ring hub market , the Migda Ha-Emek , Israel-based LanOptics Ltd has established a UK subsidiary through which it plans to boost its profile here .
14 New South Wales continued their Sheffield Shield renaissance with a resounding innings defeat of South Australia in Sydney yesterday to move equal second behind last year 's champions , Victoria .
15 Travel agents could sell holidays by providing prospective customers with a full multimedia account of their travel options .
16 Contrary to this general trend , the U.S. market showed solid signs of recovery with an overall sales gain of 9 per cent , within which Johnson Brothers was up a robust 22 per cent .
17 Sealink and P&O , with an estimated 80% share of the short-route ferry market , are pinning their hopes for the future on large capacity super-ferries and changes in manning procedures introduced after the last seamen 's strike .
18 Osaka-based Autobacs , Japan 's equivalent of Britain 's Kwik-Fit , is a specialist retailer with an estimated 30% share of the car-accessory market .
19 In an attempt to extinguish the flames , a number of youths broke into the Space Invaders machine , filled their pockets with an estimated £140 worth of ten pence pieces and hurtled the machine at the blaze .
20 Chickens are being blamed for an estimated 6m cases of salmonella poisoning a year in Germany .
21 Data for an intensive sheep croft of 3 ha , with a share in 21 ha of improved common grazing , indicate a net income of only £868 from sheep production , as compared with £5,460 from weaving 2.5 tweeds per 4U-hour week .
22 Simple arithmetic quickly tells us that this is equivalent to an average data transfer of 150,000 bytes per second .
23 Calculate ( i ) the break even point , ( ii ) the maximum profit and ( iii ) the profit at an estimated sales level of 800 units .
24 The first study of risks to patients reported 400 patients ‘ operated ’ on by an HIV-infected urologist. 80% of procedures were endoscopies , which are low risk in terms of percutaneous injury for the surgeon and therefore also presumably for the patient .
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