Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj] [noun] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is thought he lifted the cab after a mechanical fault and it crashed on top of him .
2 I put on a stone after a recent holiday and I have n't got round to getting it off .
3 In other cases a relative or foster carer may apply for custody after a shorter period and you will be informed of this action and be able to contest it in court if you wish .
4 The next day we did a heavy climb to the Harris saddle which is the summit ; unfortunately there was heavy mist after a rainy night and we did n't get the views .
5 He came into the kitchen after a few moments and she turned away , wandering to the far side to get away from him , battling with the sudden incredible desire to break down and sob like a little girl who had done the wrong thing yet again .
6 He gave up farming and opened a restaurant in Glasgow but his new businesses failed after a few years and he left Scotland to live in Rugby until his death in 1937 .
7 She lost her job after a few weeks and what little money my Dad had left quickly went on drugs and booze .
8 • What your intense desire for Jim tells me is that you are a highly sexual person : one who has managed to heal herself after a difficult marriage and who 's now ready for a physical relationship .
9 If this is not done a disillusioned employee may well leave after a short time and you will have to repeat the expensive and disruptive process of interviewing all over again .
10 He used to come into the shop after a little while and he 'd go back in the kitchen again and he 'd come back again later on .
11 It was a balanced system in which the best use was made of a poor environment and which safeguarded the long-term interest of the communities which occupied it , at the level of which the land was capable .
12 Cernunnos is portrayed as an interesting amalgam of various cultures , his one-shouldered tunic being reminiscent of a Roman toga and his cross-legged position being rather like that of Buddha .
13 Now , I hope I 've got these facts right and I 'm sure that not , that Eileen may correct me that er we have er forty hundred pounds in the budget , budget for this er the erm South Wales congregation has , has kindly erm given us grant of a thousand pounds and I understand from the secretary of con , Cardiff congregation , and he 's also offered a thousand pounds I do n't know whether we 've got that yet ?
14 I trust , I trust that if there 's going to be any question of names coming forward to be a approved locally , not selected , I hope not selected , that they will be er they 'll come from the local level at which the police authority actually functions and not from other counties without that particular area and so My Lords , I would suggest er that er the best step to go for is er Lord MacIntosh 's Amendment Number Five and his er supplements and I would suggest My Lords that Amendment Number Twenty is resisted by your Lordships because it talks about one half of the members shall be members of a relevant council and I suggest above all My Lords that Amendment Number Twenty Seven is cast into outer darkness .
15 In fact , at one stage in this study our thoughts ran on catastrophes of a biblical kind and we pictured half-seriously a universal conflagration to account for the black band .
16 The weight of the Zodiac plucked him out of the cockpit like a pip out of a ripe olive and he screamed with the terror of drowning as he struck the water .
17 You 've got to bring back some deterrent to this bloody country , otherwise the next thing you 'll be getting is vigilante groups , and if you get vigilante groups then this country is in a hell of a bloody state and you will have bleeding trouble .
18 Hussa was a large , enveloping woman with a large , enveloping sense of humour ; she walked with the rolling gait of a shore-bound sailor and her veils had such a haphazard permanence , you felt they were an outgrowth of her personality rather than a covering .
19 Yesterday he described as easily the toughest day , both because of a blustery wind and what he called some ‘ very serious pin positions , many on downslopes ’ .
20 The efficient running of the management and financial accounts plus the effective control of cash are important parts of a successful Division and our team at Cheshunt is doing a great job for us .
21 If a Labour Government takes over , it is likely that the Authority will be integrated into a more comprehensive view of a planned NHS and its role strengthened .
22 ‘ The ideal thing would have been for them to keep to their offer of a two-year deal and I would have signed it before the final .
23 Scamp had done thirteen months of a two-year stretch and he could 've got out in a coupla months more if he 'd kept his nose clean .
24 ii ) What can be said about the behaviour of accounting denominator and accounting numerator of a financial ratio and what are the implications for the ratio distribution ?
25 There is a simple relationship between the price of a financial instrument and its yield , i.e. the financial return from holding it .
26 CASWELL is n't very stealthy at the best of times : stand him within ten feet of a fragile object and he 'll break it just by looking at it .
27 There are possible complications of a curable cancer and I shall have to be monitored regularly by Charing Cross Hospital ( because moles are so rare it is centralised ) until my hormone levels return to normal ( This could be for up to two years ) .
28 But States in general — and new poor States in particular — are part of a competing system and one marked by profound inequalities .
29 Patients sometimes make demands on a therapist which exceed what can reasonably be expected of a therapeutic relationship and which do not appear likely to help solve their problems .
30 The train stopped somewhere in the middle of a flat plain and we marched eastwards .
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