Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] of [noun pl] between " in BNC.

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1 THE TIMEX dispute in Dundee remained deadlocked last night after a day of talks between union officials and management .
2 The new agreement , which came into being after a year of negotiations between the Association 's solicitors and those at the EC Commission , has been drastically amended to meet the requirements of the Treaty .
3 Little progress was also made after a round of talks between the Lebanese and Israeli delegations on Feb. 24 .
4 In 1990 , he was accused of a conflict of interests between his role as chairman of the Commons Defence Committee and his business ventures .
5 The deal was the culmination of a year of talks between Adobe and Sun on how to bring technology market , says Ybarra , the initial plan being to implement a joint product strategy without actually signing a formal agreement .
6 It is the outcome of a series of contracts between the founding shareholders : in so far as the state has a role in corporate creation it is not materially different from its role in enforcing contracts in general .
7 Despite the earlier declaration of principle , agriculture perhaps was an area where there always would have been a high probability of a clash of interests between supranationalism and national concerns .
8 With the passage of time and the growth of a network of relationships between the young nations of the region and the great powers outside , the conflict became far more complex .
9 There are a number of different versions of this concept but essentially it argues that capitalist societies are tending towards a set of relationships between social groups and between these groups and the state .
10 Indeed it is to be found in most legal systems whose constitutional arrangements and traditions provide for a separation of powers between the legislative , executive and judicial branches of government .
11 The Conservatives argued that the size of authority recommended by Redcliffe-Maud ( serving populations between 250,000 and 1 m ) was too large ; hence the need for a division of responsibilities between county and districts .
12 Shortly after arriving in England , he responded to a petition from a number of Puritan ministers by calling a theological conference at Hampton Court Palace , at which he took the chair for a series of debates between his bishops and the representatives of those looking for reform .
13 ( See Chapter 2 for a list of differences between futures and forward markets . )
14 The Minister of Agriculture assumed direct responsibility for a number of services between 1937 and 1944 , and in the post-war years local authorities lost their hospitals to the National Health Service ( NHS ) and their gas and electricity undertakings to nationalised boards .
15 The recent announcement of a link up between the EC and EFTA to create a European Economic Area [ EEA ] by 1993 is likely to have little immediate impact on the proportion of exports destined for these areas , partly because privileged access to each others markets has already been in existence for a number of years between the two trading blocks .
16 Class 1 contributions are paid as a percentage of earnings between a ‘ lower ’ and an ‘ upper ’ limit ( currently £54 and £405 a week respectively ) .
17 This traffic also permitted the firm to act as a channel of communications between the two governments in wartime .
18 Marxism sees bureaucratic power as a matter of relations between classes .
19 Banks ' daily holdings of cash fluctuate as a result of transactions between the government and the public ; bank cash held by the discount houses is used to smooth out these fluctuations .
20 Another situation in which the total of bankers ' deposits will change arises as a result of transactions between the government and the private sector .
21 He first translates the complex gill and siphon withdrawal behaviour of the intact organism into a circuit which habituates as a result of interactions between just two cells .
22 ( This strike action was suspended late on May 27 as a result of negotiations between strike leaders and Solidarity chairman Lech Walesa . )
23 Only then , as they swung in a half-circle with a hiss of blades between them , changing places on the slope like a pair of dancers with only a foot of air separating their faces , did Isambard know his mason again .
24 It is possible , too , to link the implementation of a school plan with a ranking of priorities between a school 's teachers and their needs for in-service training .
25 The United Nations has been largely ineffectual when faced with a clash of interests between major powers , or even in dealing with more localized conflicts such as that between Israel and the Arab states , where great power interests are also involved .
26 ‘ A lot of foot , with a lot of spaces between , ’ Forne said .
27 Geoffrey Marshall , commenting on the bureaucracy of the system says that " it comes to a climax with an exchange of reports between practically all parties capable of exchanging them . "
28 Heterosexuality , once it is exposed as an exchange of women between men , reveals itself as a mediated form of homosexuality .
29 It takes its structure from a set of correspondences between elements and persons , and the old definition of temperament as a mixture of qualities is present to the reader 's mind — the same definition that permits us to think of Faussone as a part of Levi , or as his alter ego .
30 This material emerges from a series of meetings between the label/product manager , the artist and their management .
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