Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] [prep] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And of course , from my own professional viewpoint , it is clear that even after a break of so many years , Miss Kenton would prove the perfect solution to the problem at present besetting us at Darlington Hall .
2 After an absence of so many years , this kissing among men seems an odd thing , but one ought to be thankful for small mercies : at least it is only two kisses and not three , as is the Russian custom .
3 As rights are issued in the form of a right for so many old shares held we can calculate the impact of the fractional right on the old share value .
4 Because of a combination of so many unknowns , we , or should I say they — Pete and Dick did all the work , I just made the bikes — made a total cock-up of ability and distance .
5 She should n't insist on being called Caroline and treated like a girl in so many ways .
6 At thirty-three , he was like a lovesick teenager , which was a strange way for a man of so many experiences to be struck .
7 I feel that for a country with so much to offer , it 's a great pity that people do not take more advantage of what 's available .
8 Even a full house would be piffling for a town with so vast a drawing area .
9 Even a full house would be piffling for a town with so vast a drawing area .
10 It might seem odd during a period of so much innovation and advancement in photographic technology that a film developer formulated in 1891 should still be so popular today , over 100 years on
11 It may seem odd that during a period of so much innovation and advancement in photographic technology that a film developer formulated in 1891 should still be so popular today over 100 years on .
12 For me this generous use of natural reverberation acts as a tonic after so many recordings where the acoustics seem too dry or contrived .
13 … ( 6 ) In this section ‘ costs ’ means costs as between party and party , and includes the costs of applying for an order under this section ; and where a party begins to receive representation after the proceedings have been instituted , or ceases to receive representation before they are finally decided or otherwise receives representation in connection with part only of the proceedings , the reference in subsection ( 2 ) above to the costs incurred by the unassisted party in the proceedings shall be construed as a reference to so much of those costs as is attributable to that part .
14 The façade , as well as the rest of the outside , is of Candoglia marble , a white stone with a pink tinge and blue veins that could not have been bettered as a choice for so ornate a structure .
15 Just to give a flavour of the more joyful side : as a result of so many of us being out and being there , many other women workers , and many young women have come to feel that the time was right for them too , that they too have lesbian potential .
16 Avoid Tuesdays when many coaches arrive as a result of so many museums being closed in Paris .
17 I often think of you , for example as at a recent and deeply moving funeral for a long-standing friend who had died of AIDS , when I sat inside the church literally underneath/beside your sculpture , but I am an increasingly bad correspondent , possibly as a result of so many letters re jobs !
18 He had started off in a modest enough way as a schoolboy like so many others — but at a time when education had not yet become compulsory ; what he did have was both the brains and the parental support to turn his flair for learning to good effect .
19 ‘ Adrian feels he did n't get the success he deserved at Salford and is relishing playing with a side with so many good individual players . ’
20 The strength of Butthole Surfers is their heterogeneity ; they do n't turn ‘ filth ’ , ‘ the dark side ’ into a religion-in-negative like so much hardcore , heavy metal etc .
21 People who wanted information from him were noting his silence and making their judgments accordingly ; his life seemed to be funnelling down into a pit like so much waste water , and yet he could n't stir himself to the right kind of action .
22 Who dare offer anything to her in such an orderly and wellgoverned house as yours , and under a master of so good a character for virtue and honour ?
23 The new station , consisting of the by then classic steel , concrete , and glass concourse with facilities around its outer flanks and with steps and ramps leading down to the platforms below , gave a new twist to the separation of passengers and baggage regarded as an ideal at so many American stations .
24 The second stage is to use this figure ( of so many dies in a sample of so many coins ) to calculate the total likely number of dies which were originally made .
25 Barrio described such expenditure as " a crime in a country with so many needy people " .
26 In a season of so many disappointments , Hendry equalled his previous worst defeat in a ranking event final when he lost 10-4 to Jimmy White in the 1991 Mercantile Credit Classic .
27 I live here , with the child because Well , it is not suitable for a child , is it , to be too much in a workroom among so many foolish women ?
28 It was good to be in a class with so few girls ; there were just three of us among fourteen boys , and as a result we all became good friends without forming any sentimental attachments .
29 John Coffin thought he had never sat in a room with so many clocks .
30 Any employee at Coniston Mines during the 19th Century would fall into one of two distinct categories : ( 1 ) a dayworker , whose wages were generally based upon a rate of so much per day but which was variable depending upon the degree of skill required , yet at times might be calculated on a piece rate , or , ( 2 ) a miner engaged in winning ore from the stopes , tunnelling , raising , or shaft sinking through rock .
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