Example sentences of "[adj] than [pers pn] might have be " in BNC.

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1 The excitement is in the expectation that , having been around and seen all that you can , the end product will be at least a little more interesting than it might have been if you had stayed at home .
2 I think I could be a lot lot shorter than it might have been thought was necessary because things have been made , a lot of furniture has be has been moved today er already .
3 A walk was exactly what she needed , although the continuing hot weather made it less pleasant than it might have been .
4 Moreover , if bad management is perceived by the stock market , share prices will be lower than they might have been and a takeover raider may see an opportunity to buy up the company , install a better management , improve profits , and hence make capital gains when share prices subsequently rise .
5 The rise in overall population was actually lower than it might have been .
6 I understand from British Rail that the impact was less severe than it might have been , since both trains were on the move at the time , but some 90 passengers and the driver of the Portsmouth train were injured .
7 This failure , it is alleged , has hampered Britain 's industrial development and contributed to the British economy 's performance being poorer than it might have been .
8 But it seems to be a lot less than it might have been last year , I mean I , do we know how many that 's , we 're talking about ?
9 The studies led to the revelation of reasons why the programme was less successful than it might have been .
10 And if it is your , your view that y y your , your organs may be used in , in advance , and if that 's known to your relatives it 'll make a very very difficult time for them a great deal less difficult than it might have been otherwise .
11 They are less obtrusive than they might have been , but quite enough to dissipate the historically accurate atmosphere that is called for .
12 The Doctor was less worried than he might have been .
13 The highest praise for its plans is that they are , in some areas , less bad than they might have been .
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