Example sentences of "[adj] who [am/are] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The number of students on advanced further education courses has grown steadily since the beginning of the decade so that in 1981–2 there were almost 14,000 students on advanced courses , more than two-thirds of the almost 20,000 who are presently accommodated by the University of Wales .
2 And there are many who are deeply committed to a faith which is alive and obvious to everyone with whom they come into contact .
3 Tallis 's case is convincing , though he has certainly not said the last word on the matter , and there may well be further arguments from those who are professionally engaged in linguistics .
4 It is not surprising , therefore , that considerable resistance to the introduction of IT exists , especially by those who are well adapted to the conditions of equilibrium which are to disappear .
5 The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive guide for smallholders ; for beginners and those with some experience , as well as for those who are just thinking about it .
6 At the same time , it might be prudent to compare persons who commit other serious but under-emphasized crimes and victimizing behaviours with those who are officially portrayed as ‘ our ’ criminal enemies .
7 those who are generally felt to be of high status locate science less in the journals than in their own and other peoples ’ heads ’ .
8 Well , you 've written in a article , you say by merely acknowledging our feelings we are less likely to pass them on by osmosis to those who are emotionally bound to us .
9 One might interpret this in relation to stronger group orientation , as expected of those who are field-dependent , nevertheless the task might be expected to be easier for those who are more used to visual processing .
10 Very often those without enough political power to influence the course of events resulting from erosion and from official conservation programmes , are those who are politically subordinated in other related ways .
11 Being disenchanted with life , they may resent those who are contentedly coping with things as best they can and are making a good job of it .
12 In an Aug. 12 interview he referred to a split in the Polisario leadership dating back to 1988 and said that he was " rallying against those who are stubbornly persisting in imposing a disastrous situation on our people … a dead-end solution " .
13 The growth and international expansion of the hotel and catering industry has been phenomenal during the past decade , ensuring a constant demand for trained and skilled staff and providing ample opportunity for those who are temperamentally suited to the industry .
14 Those products of reproduction — children — that are best adapted to the current circumstances will generally survive until they are of a suitable age to reproduce , passing on at least some of the characteristics favouring survival to their own children : those who are poorly adapted to the current circumstances will , in general , either die young or be unable to find a mate .
15 Well , there must be those who are genuinely squeezed by operating from high-cost locations ; some who are , and some who think they are , providing a higher-quality service ; some simply over-priced due to inefficiencies ; and a few possibly making hay while the sun shines but who are ignoring the storm clouds of the recession .
16 Those who are still charged with responsibility have , unfortunately , to make do with the instruments that are politically available to them .
17 The official forms of order can seem anomic to those who are systematically treated as non-persons , since , as they pursue their lives , they have no stake in the society for whose maintenance that order exists .
18 Thus the point of the lives of those who are mainly engaged in politics , nursing , mining and so forth is to keep a society going in which personal love and the enjoyment of beauty can flourish .
19 Amongst those consequences , he said , was the imposition of a duty to act fairly towards those who are directly affected by an intervention decision .
20 Those who are directly affected by policies , the public , may be crudely divided into unorganized and isolated public — who pay taxes , receive benefits , seek planning permission , visit doctors and so on — and the organized public , the organizations upon whom policies have an impact .
21 The democratic ideal asserts that those who are substantially affected by the decisions made by political and social institutions in our society should be involved in the making of those decisions .
22 As ever , the people who will suffer from Labour 's failure are among those who are furthest removed from the political process ; who are most likely to believe that the outcome of the election has little to do with them ; and , hence , who are least likely to be taking part in the election postmortem on why Labour lost .
23 Similarly , sociologists have challenged the findings of criminologists and psychiatrists as being based on the people who are seen by psychiatrists only , not on those who are never seen in the prison , the clinic or the hospital .
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