Example sentences of "[adj] when [verb] with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is quite different when dealing with a country as big as France in terms of population and area .
2 Consequently , it can be determined whether relatively the costs of litigation are too high when compared with the amount of damages awarded .
3 It is this , more than anything else , which makes the map of this sort of country look so empty when compared with the map of anciently enclosed country in say mid Sussex , Essex or Devon .
4 For the moment anyway , he would accept that his DSO of 80 was not acceptable when compared with an industry average of 63 .
5 Enforcement agents who adopt a compliance strategy , however , are preoccupied with securing conformity to a rule or standard when confronted with a problem .
6 And if to is completely meaningless when used with the infinitive , why is n't it tending to disappear completely ?
7 To work out which way the pile runs , rub your hand over the carpet — it will feel smooth when running with the pile , and rough when going against the pile .
8 Such a weapon would be particularly useful when dealing with a school , because the myriad moving bodies produce too confusing an echolocation picture for the dolphin to be able to single out a victim .
9 Even the most competent high-flier , it seems , feels totally inadequate when faced with a child who simply will not get down to work .
10 But he was poor when compared with the parents of many of the children who attended his school , even when compared with some of the other teachers .
11 Although Exell 's reminiscences are coloured by the fact that he was an active Communist and trade unionist , they can not hide the fact that the pay in the new industries was generally good when compared with the majority of the working classes — and very high in periods of prosperity .
12 Acid House was all the rage ; multi-rhythmed electronic stuff popular on the disco circuit but only comprehensible when taken with the designer drugs now supplied as openly as condoms in some of the smarter venues .
13 At this point we find his conjectures implausible when compared with the view that global mean temperature is determined by global mean radiative forcing , including ( but not limited to ) greenhouse forcing from CO 2 changes .
14 The United Nations has been largely ineffectual when faced with a clash of interests between major powers , or even in dealing with more localized conflicts such as that between Israel and the Arab states , where great power interests are also involved .
15 Always have a fire extinguisher handy when working with a blowlamp .
16 Finally , lack of exercise is also a risk factor for heart disease but it 's relatively small when compared with the others .
17 Cook , tightly covered with a lid , for 2½hr , until tender when tested with a fork .
18 Pour over the chicken and cook in the oven for about 45 minutes , or until the chicken is tender when pierced with a fork .
19 What essential information would need to be available when dealing with an enquiry from a conference organiser ?
20 In conclusion , poly-L-ornithine when combined with a DMSO shock mediates efficient transfection of CHO cells .
21 A degree of confirmation for the ‘ hypothesis of difference ’ between organizational types has been obtained , though with research instruments that seem blunt when compared with the complexity of the issues raised in the initial part of this paper , and with data that must await fuller statistical validation .
22 These theories seem naïve when compared with the explanations Marxists reserve for capitalist societies .
23 The announcement attracted criticism that the punishment was too lenient when compared with the amount of fees accountancy firms pull in from insolvency work .
24 The relief exhibited by the highest mountains and the deepest oceanic trenches , although apparently spectacular , is in fact trivial when compared with the dimensions of the Earth as a whole .
25 For example , a problem defined as ‘ This child has Down 's Syndrome ’ is valueless when compared with a problem definition such as ‘ This child has not learned to use a spoon ’ .
26 The question of whether warranties should be given on a joint and/or several basis is less likely to be relevant when dealing with an asset sale ( where the contracting vendor will usually be a company ) as opposed to a share sale ( when individual shareholders will often be asked to give warranties ) .
27 For example , a child with language which is less advanced than the language of other children of that age would be regarded as having delayed language ; in contrast , children whose language stands out because it is deficient when compared with the way in which they perform on other social and intellectual tasks may be regarded as having a language deficit .
28 As far as nudity was concerned they quickly accepted it in Josephine 's act as it seemed such a natural part of her but their attitudes were quite prudish when confronted with the nudes backstage .
29 This reticence is all the more striking when contrasted with the plethora of Second World War movies made both during the war and for many years afterwards .
30 Dealing with customers also taught me that not every situation is the same and I had to think fast and wise when faced with a problem .
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