Example sentences of "[adj] will be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I would wish warmly to join in congratulating the hon. Gentleman 's constituent on his 80th birthday , particularly as , next month , the income support premium for the over-80s will be raised in real terms for the second time in three years .
2 Like the Grumman biplanes , all the 262s will be built to airworthy standards and the only deviation from the original plans will be their General Electric J–85 engines , which will fit into the engine cowlings without altering their contours .
3 Thus , there will be an examination of successful , unsuccessful and recently changed schemes , and this will be based on previous work in this area supported by Lancashire Polytechnic .
4 There will be a full review of the Control Section , covering job descriptions , duties and job evaluations , during 1993 and this will be concluded before 31 December 1993 .
5 Clearly , this will be related in some degree to the increase in the number of people owning and driving cars which was reported in the first Plan .
6 Spatially , this will be expressed in further counterurbanization and as Bradshaw and Blakeley ( 1979 , 27 ) point out : ‘ the rural areas [ of California ] grew at a rate nearly double that of the state as a whole ’ between 1970 and 1976 .
7 The fastest time between King 's Cross and Edinburgh by HST in the 1980s was 4 hours and 23 minutes , with one stop at Newcastle ; this will be cut to 4 hours from May 1991 .
8 Plans are already in motion for next year 's Newbury Rally and details of this will be given in this magazine later in the year .
9 By next Spring this will be joined by extra software that will enable all existing Sun applications that use TCP/IP running over Ethernet to run over ISDN giving the technology what it has always needed : a practical use .
10 It has been estimated that up to 300 million tonnes of oil a year could be saved in the USSR by cutting waste , substituting gas for oil in industrial complexes and making more use of the vast coal reserves , but whether this will be achieved to any significant extent outside the essentially capitalist ethos where cost saving is an easily learned lesson , is doubtful .
11 This will be achieved by developing abilities to analyse critically the work of the professions allied to medicine by being able to understand the way in which the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions , as well as those designed to prevent disease and promote health , are evaluated .
12 This will be achieved by improved working practices and the use of the best available technology whenever and wherever it is reasonably practicable to do so .
13 While Greenock 's 2,200 strong workforce is due to be cut by up to 150 in the current year this will be achieved by voluntary redundancy .
14 This will be examined in more detail presently .
15 The works will consist of a 1200mm diameter reinforced concrete pipe with a 300 mm concrete surround and this will be constructed in open trench .
16 It has been given new genetic information by injecting DNA into the nucleus and this will be inherited by all the cells in the body and passed on to future generations via the germ cells .
17 With one or two very expensive exceptions , this will be made of high density particle board ( chipboard ) .
18 This will be made within 48 hours of the request .
19 Big defender — Jim Cannon is the man to whom every appearance record at Crystal Palace FC belongs and in view of this will be regarded by many of our fans as the greatest Palace player of all time .
20 This will be followed by manual clitoral stimulation … ’
21 This will be followed by longer term steps .
22 Kauntze had some harsh words to say about the St Leger entry system and it seems as if this will be renewed for next year .
23 Kauntze had some harsh words to say about the St Leger entry system and it seems as if this will be renewed for next year .
24 This will be converted into multi-layer polystyrene foam egg cartons .
25 I imagine that the brunt of this will be borne by younger voters , many of them voting for the first time , who possibly do not realise that in addition to voting they must also pay poll tax .
26 It is more likely that a high-level package will be identified initially , and then after some investigation this will be refined to one or more lower level packages .
27 It is more likely that a high-level package will be identified initially , and then after some investigation this will be refined to one or more lower level packages .
28 Some of our packs which are recyclable now carry a symbol , and this will be added to many more in the future .
29 This will be described in more detail in Chapter 3 on bone modifications produced by predators .
30 This will be welcomed by all those who are concerned to see an improvement in Scotland 's infrastructure .
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