Example sentences of "[adj] as a [noun sg] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well perhaps you or somebody on the other side might care to tell us how you 're gon na take it from three to three and half , cos I 'll quite happily tell you then how we 'll take it from three and half to four percent , so we welcome that as a step in the right direction .
2 Rewrite this as a procedure in a suitable high-level language .
3 Figure 8.9 represents this as a fall in the real wage acceptable to the L 1 insiders from w 1 to w 2 .
4 On a similar matter a local resident mentioned that the owners of the property known as Rivendell have , in effect , extended their garden by planting shrubs etc on the grass verge thus making it impossible for either vehicles or pedestrians to use this as a refuge in an emergency .
5 Norris 's book is , in fact , more than adequate as a title in a series on Modern Masters .
6 Free as a bird in a simple panelled ivory linen dress ( this page ) , £71 , Hobbs .
7 The details of the experiment are not really relevant ; the point of extract ( 11 ) is to show how eight-year-olds use one another as a resource in the exchange of information .
8 This is manifest as a change in the specific volume due solely to an increase in the free volume and is shown schematically as the cross hatched area in figure 12.10 , where the broken line indicates the temperature dependence of V o .
9 My skin crawled , and I shivered a bit as I stood there , desolate as a child in a corner .
10 Hopelessness and reluctance are blown away like a fog and the dumb solitude where they crept , a place desolate as a crack in the ground , opens like a rose and stretches to the hills and the sky .
11 In this sense , a ’ name ’ may be nothing more than an address in a computer 's memory , such as a pointer in a Pascal data structure .
12 It will contain space for reporting reasons for down time and system incidents ( such as a fault in a terminal or printer ) causing degraded service .
13 Its purely endogenous nature is well illustrated by the facts that it can be evoked by the absence of a stimulus such as a gap in a long sequence of evenly spaced tones and that the actual probability and significance of the stimulus is less important in determining whether or not the P300 will occur than the subject 's perception of its probability and significance .
14 Sometimes these triggering events are related to physical ageing , but are just as likely to be related to personal changes , such as a death in the family .
15 But do n't think that serious damage , such as a tear in a trouser leg , can easily be disguised — it ca n't .
16 It is in this field that Ashton and MacMillan have made many innovations in those of their ballets that describe very subtle relationships , feelings and emotions such as A Month in the Country and Enigma Variations , The Invitation and Mayerling .
17 Ideally the tuber should be sprouted separately in another container such as a flower-pot in the manner described for A. bernieranus .
18 A play on mental handicap , such as a period in the life of a mentally handicapped person , or depicting the effects which a mentally handicapped child has on the parents , could be either an uplifting or depressing experience .
19 Several lines of evidence indicate that metazoans originated at around that time , such as a decline in the diversity of stromatolites , possibly indicative of grazing and burrowing of the microbial-mat communities by metazoans .
20 There may be a lover , a friend , asleep beside you , but who is wide-eyed as a marigold in the trackless dark ?
21 Th 'll be cosy as a bug in a bed .
22 Benjamin rose and , slipping his arm through mine , led me back to the garden , teasing me into a good mood as he explained how he had found Waldegrave drunk as a lord and insensible as a rock in a corner of his opulent chapel .
23 Rich was brilliant as a count in a one-act play based on Les Misérables .
24 In the pages that follow , I 'll be trying as frankly as possible to tell you something about myself — my childhood in Devon and Cornwall , my days as a newspaper reporter and those as a lance-corporal in the army ( not to mention the occasional hazardous romance in up-market Port Said ! ) and then , since 1961 , my career in television .
25 Last of all came Fiver , dejected and reluctant as a sparrow in the frost .
26 IT was a warm evening , but when Emmie went up to bed Alice was lying with the blankets drawn up to her chin , grey as a rat in the face and shivering .
27 Er , the woman put her hands up as well and then we started to move away from the door , er across the room er to avoid being stuck as a silhouette in the doorway .
28 Siegel ( 1972 ) reports that pre-exposure to a tone in rabbits leads to a loss of the OR ( evident as a decline in the likelihood of occurrence of an eye-opening response evoked by the novel tone ) but the latent inhibition that was also found can not be directly attributed to the loss of this aspect of the OR .
29 Super Glue gives instant bonding , and is available as a liquid in a safety bottle , or , alternatively , as a non-drip gel .
30 Volenti non fit injuria is not usually available as a defence in the industrial safety cases .
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