Example sentences of "[adj] were [vb pp] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such posts as this were intended for the sons of the well-heeled or at least the well-connected .
2 The irony , of course , is that since a considerable proportion of these were bred for the purpose , a large number of animals would not otherwise have lived were they not destined to die prematurely .
3 Nevertheless , if men such as these were in fact the local recruiting agents , not all were equipped for the job ; Nicholas Hill of Oakham , though servant to no less a figure than the king , possessed neither arms nor armour .
4 Many items were donated outright ; many were lent for the duration , but everything was volunteered in one way or another .
5 This financial wherewithal was translated into L1.5 billion ( £750,000 ; $1.5 million ) for restructuring the Museo Civico , including a system of climate control and new lighting while L2 billion ( £1 million ; $2 million ) were spent on the installation for the show itself ; of the sixty-eight paintings on show , twenty-three were conserved for the exhibition .
6 Nor for that matter could Wiltshire clothiers , for , although a dozen or more were rated for the Anticipation at upwards of £100 , the highest was only £250 : for some reason the great William Stumpe of Malmesbury was not assessed .
7 Cars 11 and 13 were used for the inspection which included braking tests on Anerley Hill .
8 Nos. 11 and 13 were used for the inspection of the Crystal Palace route and these cars took over the working of the Penge route as soon as the Corporation cars were withdrawn in June 1906 and in the same month , one of them was fitted with Raworth regenerative equipment for a demonstration on Anerley Hill for tramway engineers .
9 A record quantity of 14 million tonnes was carried in 1987–8 , of which over three-quarters were destined for the South East .
10 Halfway through the tour Ollie Campbell , who was holidaying in New Zealand at the time , made the comment that the Irish were under-prepared for the speed and physical impact of the game as practised by the stronger New Zealand sides .
11 It was announced in 1985 that the 450 were destined for the United States , but they have fallen victim to the moratorium operating in the USA .
12 The results in table 3.4 were obtained for the test sentence : mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow and everywhere that mary went the lamb was sure to go
13 Thousands were made for the US Navy and Paul Garber filed his patent in August 1944 to pre-date all the subsequent claims to be ‘ first ’ with the present day concept of the steerable kite .
14 An emergency session of EC Foreign Ministers held in Oslo ( where most were gathered for a NATO meeting ) nevertheless ruled out any renegotiation of the Treaty while declaring that the " door remains open for the Danes to come back " .
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