Example sentences of "[adj] were [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] and " in BNC.

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1 Some were even cultivated over and their long-time entrances completely disappeared .
2 These were swiftly put down and the Glasgow Volunteers , as fine a body of men as ever struggled from one ditch to another , were always ready to spring into action at the drop of a rifle .
3 And he took two boards and fitted them to the body , one to the breast and the other to the shoulders ; these were so hollowed out and fitted that they met at the sides and under the arms , and the hind one came up to the pole , and the other up to the beard ; and these boards were fastened into the saddle , so that the body could not move .
4 These were quickly taken up and written about in the British context ( e.g. Thomas et al. ,
5 Vogel 's watercolours were taken by the occupying forces to Germany but in 1946 were successfully claimed back and returned .
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