Example sentences of "[adj] as [pers pn] [vb past] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Improvement ensued under Tub LM1 ( again taken from a 5ml dropper bottle ) although the patient commented that the wheeziness was n't as clear as it had been on the first Phosphorus .
2 Although the number of recorded offences in that decade was not as high as it had been in the 1950s it is nevertheless an important trend .
3 They were unfortunate in that batting conditions for them were not as favourable as they had been for the West Indians .
4 Encouraged by the pride of the town authorities , the Guy Fawkes celebrations provided an annual explosion for the town 's poor : deprived as they had been of saints ' days with the advent of Puritanism , they came from the miserable hovels cramped in the town 's back alleys to protest not only against the symbols of oppression but also , in bad years , against the local oligarchy .
5 But at least a dream of empire was not as impossible as it had been in 1558 .
6 SOON THEY BECAME VERY MUCH AS IT HAD BEEN BEFORE THEIR separation , except that Gina was a little more violent .
7 Not as much as he had been in the studio , but he was here all the same .
8 I have n't been to Heathrow as much as I 'd been to Gatwick
9 For a split second Joseph looked as agitated as he had been on the Jonquil the day after the murder .
10 The rather frayed drapes , either side of the tall windows , had a silky sheen in the soft lamplight , the scratched furniture and the threadbare state of the rugs no longer as visible as they had been under the brilliant glare of the harsh overhead light .
11 In early 1986 , my foot finally healed and I began to train as if I was as fit as I had been before my injury .
12 From Table 4.1 we can see that the ‘ total working and available for work ’ in Northern Tyne side was roughly the same in 1984 as it had been in 1972 , i.e. under 300 000 .
13 The torrent here was almost as fearsome as it had been at the original crossing point , but not so deep .
14 Opposition to Home Rule was put on ice for the duration with the Bill , but opposition was as genuine in 1918 as it had been in 1914 .
15 This was quite as true when Tabitha Jute met Marco Metz in Schiaparelli as it had been in the days of the Big Step , years before she was born .
16 As last season illustrated , Neath were nowhere near as good as their Champion status indicated , nowhere near as good as they had been in the seasons of extraordinary success that preceded the advent of the leagues .
17 A combination of administrative and economic factors favoured the revival of organized stealing during the final decade of British rule , but given the growth of population and the more efficient reporting system the extent of the crime was not as great as it had been before 1890 .
18 Although Clare had decided to call in Meg , she did n't ; at first because in the morning things were n't so pressing as they had been at night , and then because she was too busy at the Refuge , and then because it really did n't seem fair .
19 But Alicia Lockwood at seventy-nine had been as strong-willed as she had been at any time of her life .
20 Dynasticism was not dead ; for some rulers , promoting family interests was as important as it had been to a Tudor or a Valois .
21 But the surgery on Monday morning was not as busy as it had been of late .
22 Unlike Pete he smelled nice — Sally thought it was Old Spice — and when he pressed his hips against hers she was excited by the sensations it aroused , not revolted as she had been with the Teddy Boy at the youth club dance .
23 This large parish now had two Anglican churches but Nonconformity was as pronounced as it had been in the seventeenth century .
24 With almost as much of an increase in the volume of exports and an even greater one in that of re-exports , ports engaged in foreign trade were , as a group , handling four times as much cargo in 1800 as they had been in 1700 , and perhaps two and a half times as much as in 1750 .
25 It was an awful place : dreary , badly furnished and he was n't as clean as he 'd been in hospital — food all down his clothes and he had n't shaved , he really looked unkempt .
26 Mary 's reign witnessed a spontaneous renewal of enthusiasm for the local celebrations banned under Edward , and Corpus Christi processions , Whitsun ales , May games , and the decking of churches once more became as common as they had been in the last years of Henry 's reign .
27 It had been a puzzle that they could be knocked around in interaction with each other and yet emerge unscathed , the same as they had been at the beginning .
28 After the first thirty years of operation of the NHS , however , there had been disappointingly little change ; in 1976 , the Court Report noted that the variations in regional provision of service were still much the same as they had been in 1948 when the NHS began .
29 shades they were made in Finland they were the paper pleated ones , er , most of them , no , no not most of them , a lot of them fitted er close up onto the ceiling where they 're intended for centre lights and were held up onto the ceiling with a little spring , erm , they also did some quite nice pleated paper shades , er at a time when you find that most electrical shops were , would have er the old type of erm what is it , imitation silk shades with fringes round them , er fringe at the top and fringe at the bottom and so on sort of thing , when the , when those was sort of old of age everywhere , it was just the same as it 'd been before the war , er it was , you know , quite right really to see these all in different colours , completely plain , but pleated shades but in just one particular colour each shade .
30 They used computers instead of quill pens , but the outcome of their labours was still the same as it had been for centuries — trade , the buying and selling of things that other people made .
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