Example sentences of "[adj] are to [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Does he agree that it is the height of irresponsibility to try to pretend that there can be a massive increase in spending from day one of a Government if the tax increases to pay for that are to be phased in ?
2 UNIVERSITY administrators who wasted £11.3 million of taxpayers ' money by re-employing more than 200 redundant academics given ‘ golden goodbyes ’ averaging £80,000 each are to be summoned by the Commons public accounts committee to explain their mistakes .
3 A note in a dated 1 Sha'ban 963/10 June 1556 concerning the number of to be appointed in the of that year mentions that four new each are to be accepted from the kadis of Istanbul , Edirne , Bursa and Egypt and two each from the kadis of Damascus , Aleppo and Baghdad .
4 Various formulations of in exactly what respect the statements should be clear are to be found in the Speech .
5 Details of a programme of events including concerts , services of thanksgiving , guided walks and exhibitions during 1993 are to be found in the leaflet Events and Places to Visit : St Margaret 900 .
6 Although sheep numbers in Sussex have now risen to nearly pre-war numbers , comparatively few are to be found on permanent downland pasture .
7 The Junior Section has between 30 to 40 members but some are to be promoted to the Senior Section which has fewer members .
8 The Junior Section has between 30 to 40 members but some are to be promoted to the Senior Section which has fewer members .
9 Some are to be found in the bad effects of traditional ‘ god-worship ’ on the ethical behaviour of the individual .
10 Manuscripts of more than 300 are to be found in the Gurney archive at the Gloucester city public library .
11 all women between 20 and 64 years old are to be invited for screening ( by March 1993 ) ;
12 all women between 50 and 64 years old are to be invited for screening by breast X-ray ( mammography ) by March 1993 .
13 If we turn to trusts we find Valens stating that if maintenance has been left by trust to freedmen without a sum being stated , then first of all the amounts usually paid by the deceased are to be taken into account , then his bequests to those of the same class , and failing these his assets and intimacy with the beneficiaries are to be considered .
14 The name of ABC and its subsidiary ABC ( Europe ) Limited are to be changed within 3 years of completion to a name which excludes reference to the ABC family .
15 The first three students from our new training course took the Medau Teachers ' Examination on 23rd November 1985 and all three are to be congratulated for passing with ‘ flying colours ’ .
16 The new Regulations define a transitional period of 2 October 1992 to 31 December 1998 ( coinciding with the introduction of corporation tax Pay and File due in 1993 ) , during which provisional repayments in respect of accounting periods ending before 1 January 1999 are to be reduced by a prescribed percentage .
17 Under the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 , s. 1(6) , all existing powers of the Director as to the institution and conduct of proceedings are available to all Crown Prosecutors and these are to be exercised under his direction .
18 Secondly , paralinguistic features of the ‘ vocal effect ’ type are treated as part of intonation , and it is not made sufficiently clear how these are to be distinguished from prosodic features .
19 But these are to be followed by RS/6000 with Oracle and HP 9000 with Sybase versions by the end of year , with Informix and Windows NT versions to follow in 1994 .
20 On the whole , these are to be preferred for video work because of their ability to relate what you hear to what you see .
21 These are to be inserted in the Schedule of Departmental Cost Allowances published in August 1988 and are to be adjusted by the increase in the cost allowances announced in SHHD/DGM ( 1989 ) 8 which amounts to 10.08% ; further they exclude on-costs , professional fees , equipment costs and land costs ) .
22 These are to be inserted in the tender document .
23 The provisions which replace those contained in section 10(3) of the Act of 1957 are to be found in section 193 of and Schedule 10 to the Housing Act 1985 .
24 The soprano in B flat and the bass in E flat are to be found in very large wind orchestras , but the normal constitution of the saxophone section is two altos , a tenor , and a baritone .
25 Economic matters including interest and exchange rates , monetary and fiscal policy , budgetary policy , are all at the heart of Government and all are to be decided by a central bank , which will be the most important institution .
26 All are to be congratulated on this splendid effort , ’ she said .
27 The young and the elderly are to be catered for in a small land reclamation scheme in New Skelton .
28 Faults may be enlarged by the sea into caves or even into tunnels through narrow promontories : spectacular examples of the latter are to be observed at Tintagel , north Cornwall , where a fault zone is followed by two through tunnels ( Wilson , 1952 ) ( Fig. 8.5 ) , the more important one being the well-known Merlin 's Cave beneath the Island .
29 ‘ The Government thinks 29 are to be shut in England by 1997 .
30 The remaining 63 are to be created at the Bo'ness sewing centre .
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