Example sentences of "[adj] that they have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 Funny that they 'd both been heading for the same place , though .
2 A number from the famous Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale of western Canada are so strange that they have even been claimed as the representatives of ‘ extinct phyla ’ .
3 The DYP and the SHP both argued that the President had exceeded his constitutional powers in his policy-making ; some Cabinet ministers claimed in February 1991 that they had not been kept informed of Özal 's decision-making over coalition forces operating from Turkish bases .
4 I think firms are not going to take any great comfort from it immediately , certainly , I do n't think any more alarmed that they have already been .
5 They are there to see in various books that have been published ; I suppose it is sad that they have n't been seen by a wider opera-going public .
6 The majority of candidates who fail do so because they have been so nervous that they have not been able to think clearly , far less to perform well .
7 ‘ The IASC has spent almost 20 years in developing basic standards and it is unfortunate that they have not been used in practice .
8 She had tried to get out of the car when he was driving and he considered it lucky that they had n't been killed , but as he and I were together more I came to admire her resolution and good sense .
9 When buying extended works , the collector should make sure that they have not been the subject of depredations of this nature .
10 All your quotations must be verbatim ; all your citations must follow accepted forms ; all your statutes must be checked to make sure that they have not been amended or repealed ; and if there be any doubt , your cases must be checked to make sure that they have not been reversed , overruled , or questioned .
11 All your quotations must be verbatim ; all your citations must follow accepted forms ; all your statutes must be checked to make sure that they have not been amended or repealed ; and if there be any doubt , your cases must be checked to make sure that they have not been reversed , overruled , or questioned .
12 Yet the Han had destroyed all that they had once been — had severed them from their cultural roots as simply and as thoroughly as a gardener might snip the stem of a chrysanthemum .
13 There were doctors concerned that they had never been given any information about a nuclear accident , farmers worried about the effect of contamination on their stock and crops , and a teacher who recited his own poem about a nuclear disaster and then presented the Inspector with an oak leaf from the Quantocks .
14 Some of the children in our study felt desperately disappointed that they had not been adopted , and yet they did have a home which would continue to be available to them in their adult life and had found a kind of loving , though perhaps not the all-accepting , all-loving parent of their dreams .
15 Those involved in trusts may be disappointed that they have not been allowed greater financial flexibility — a point underlined by Sir John Harvey-Jones in his Troubleshooter series on television — but a start has at least been made in improving the management of hospital resources .
16 Nevertheless , with all their drawbacks , panels are interesting ways of collecting information and it is rather surprising that they have not been used more in academic research where ideas rather than pin-point accuracy of measurement may be the desired goal .
17 They had not realized that Dr Dunstaple had the support of the Royal College of Physicians … and felt distinctly aggrieved that they had not been told that such an august body disagreed with their own man .
18 There are many documents that can be happily produced at 300dpi and either photocopied or short-run printed and no-one will ever be aware that they have n't been typeset .
19 It was true that they had mostly been forgotten , left unappreciated .
20 It was true that they had all been children when he was taken away , but they remembered him as kind always .
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