Example sentences of "[adj] that [pers pn] must have be " in BNC.

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1 That fact alone makes it clear that they must have been preceded into the air by other vegetarian forms which , judging from the primitive nature of their anatomy , were probably cockroaches , grasshoppers , locusts and crickets .
2 There was no law , strictly speaking , against experimenting , although considering the stage which Alexei 's trials had reached , it was clear that he must have been working on this for some time .
3 It was so fresh that it must have been baked that morning at Ksabi .
4 Although the nature of the vagotomies surveyes in these reports is not stated , the follow up period is such that they must have been truncal vagotomies .
5 Yet they were here today in gratifying numbers , a double row of Larks looking very bronzed and weathered from striding over those ancestral acres , which men like her husband and Lizzie Braithwaite 's husband could never possess ; and their cousin , Colonel Covington-Pym , Master of Foxhounds , with his rather glorious , highly intimidating wife , a tall , red-haired woman who could be seen in Frizingley sometimes wearing a black riding-habit so tight that she must have been stitched into it — Linnet said — and mounted on a colossus of a horse very nearly the same colour as her hair .
6 His shirt was so white that it must have been starched .
7 He started to give her expert directions and it was plain that he must have been to this particular establishment before .
8 Who the other call was to Jihan has never revealed , but it is certain that it must have been someone of the highest importance , and that her purpose was to obtain from the most authoritative source possible some outside indication of what was happening in Egypt .
9 When they turn to the handling charge they must presume that he is not guilty of robbery ; and , if they are quite satisfied that he must have been guilty of the one offence or the other , they are bound to conclude that he was guilty of handling .
10 She suddenly became aware that she must have been thinking of Naylor Massingham for quite a bit of the journey , when she was all at once incredibly jolted by a question that flashed into her head out of nowhere .
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