Example sentences of "[adj] that [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Erm , and I think it 's also perhaps right that we should note with pleasure the comment made in the third paragraph on the second page , about the work of Mr and Mr , er , I think that does rec er , give some recognition to erm , er the role that the archivist 's are playing in the wider community , and I think that is extremely er commendable and I think we should send our congratulations from this committee er , and our support for what they 're doing .
2 Strange that it should survive with an adversary , the BBMF Mk II Spit which I once serviced .
3 Any good weight loss regime should not lead to extreme hunger ; it should be so easy that you can stick with the diet until all the weight is off .
4 Staff at Coopers were told that a name for the new firm had not been decided , but that it was likely that it would start with Coopers .
5 It was inevitable that she 'd break with us . ’
6 I am not sure that you will agree with me , but I have no doubt about it ; our Parry on the old lines will have no future in the life of this Country ( Hear , hear ) .
7 Erm we set up I think a very successful service and if I could just mention a sad note here , me some members will know who was the county occupational therapy coordinator largely designed the service here and I 'm very sorry to say that er she died the other day but her service is very much a tribute to her and we do in fact have a large number of people who will want to come and work for us as OTs because it is a good service and I 'm sure that you will agree with that .
8 I am very sure that you will agree with me , if I may borrow a phrase from Joyce , that we all hope that it 's not at all unlikely that George Craig will come again to preach .
9 By sure that you can live with the results of your actions .
10 I am not sure that I can agree with the last sentiment that my hon. Friend expressed .
11 Trainer Roger Charlton was not present to outline plans for the son of 1987 ‘ Arc ’ hero Trempolino , but his travelling head man Martin Franklin said : ‘ Like his sire , I 'm sure that he 'll improve with more experience . ’
12 And Clara , confident that she would meet with no misunderstanding , managed to relate episodes that she had never before related , and when , finally , she came to the subject of the future , she awaited Clelia 's views as though they might even be of use .
13 ‘ It got predictable that we would argue with Shaun .
14 ‘ It is thought very unlikely that they will merge with each other , as they have similar problems .
15 ‘ The odds were 7–2 that I would disappear with the money before we even started , even money that I 'd wait until the houses were built and leg it with the money , ’ recalls the London born-and-bred ‘ community builder ’ , with all the relish of a man who beat the bookies .
16 But Mr Walgrave , another Minister of Health decided in nineteen ninety one that he would do with a , a famous thing called Section Thirty Two .
17 Managing a large , multi-subject enterprise like the Modular Course makes two principal demands upon an administrative and consultative system : first that it can cope with a high degree of complexity and second that there should be clear lines of accountability for decisions made and the responsibility for carrying them out .
18 Because I 've got some stuff for I B M compatible that she could play with .
19 We are determined that Iraq should comply with the terms of the Gulf War cease-fire agreement , and in particular that it should co-operate with the UN in dismantling its weapons of mass destruction .
20 Although ethologists do not underestimate the complexity and variety of interaction between mothers and their infants , they are at least hopeful that they can deal with the situation .
21 It was the first time she had actually said for certain that she would sail with me and I could not hide my joy , and Ellen , seeing that pleasure , laughed at it .
22 Charles explained that he 'd come round in answer to a complaint and rather thankfully began to pass on apologies on behalf of the Regiment for transmission to Lord Southdown later , but the butler shook his head regretfully once more , indicated that Lady Charity was at home , and felt certain that she would deal with the matter .
23 And in common with Guinness ' reputation for innovative ads , the poster marked a revolution — it was the first from any company that featured characters so famous and recognisable that it could dispense with a proper caption , or a reference to the product .
24 The government confirmed in October 1990 that it would continue with its economic austerity programme even though oil export revenues had increased by US$2,000 million in 1990 as a result of the Gulf crisis .
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