Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] [vb past] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It became clear that nothing had been gained by removing the prince , especially as another ruler had now to be found .
2 His speech made clear that he had been brought reluctantly to much the same view as his Director of Propaganda .
3 ‘ They pretended that Paul was hit by a ricochet , but the evidence was clear that he 'd been hit by a direct shot .
4 It was clear that she 'd been taking him for a ride , in that there was no ride in it for him at the end of the process .
5 The case , coinciding with the treatment of the subject of serial killings in a number of recent films , came to light when a man told Milwaukee police on July 22 that he had been threatened by Dahmer but then escaped from his apartment , where police later found numerous dismembered bodies .
6 He had never been stripped of his Bulgarian citizenship , and it was officially reported on June 12 that he had been granted a Bulgarian passport .
7 They were slightly embarrassed that he had been left out , but had agreed at the time that there was no sense in phoning him at home because he would have nothing useful to say .
8 However , his wife , Eleonora Popa , confirmed on March 2 that he had been receiving " anonymous threats " for over two months and that he had received no support from the Justice Ministry , which had confiscated his suicide letter .
9 They were too far away for her to recognise faces , but she could imagine John and Angela among them , unaware that they had been pursued all the way from Romania .
10 The Status software programme was designed to avoid the kind of accident that took place at Three Mile Island in the US , where shift workers faced with a breakdown in equipment switched to substitute systems , unaware that they had been taken out of service by a previous system .
11 The Prime Minister and the Lord Chancellor later in the year protested with apparent truthfulness that they had been quite unaware that it had been passed at all ! .
12 The patient was also quite unaware that he had been rubbing his chest just prior to fainting .
13 The opposition pressure group Alliance for Democracy ( Aford ) founded in September [ see p. 39086 ] said on Nov. 7 that it had been banned by the government .
14 Although convinced that she had been drugged before the race at York , she had little chance of persuading three Jockey Club stewards that she had not been drunk , out of her depth , hysterical , and she did n't want Nick to know either .
15 Suddenly conscious that she had been holding her breath , Katherine pulled the door closed and then leaned back against the wall , aware of the pounding of her heart .
16 Conscious that she had been crawling around in the hot sunshine for some time without a hat , she retired a short distance to the shade of some trees , sat down on a convenient boulder and tried to conjecture how Alain Gebrec might have spent his last moments .
17 Sometime later I had replaced the clubs and got a better set than I originally had after that I thought I was quite lucky that they had been stolen .
18 Dr Marshall , 60 , said it was disgraceful that she had been given little more than 48 hours to tidy her office .
19 She was quite attractive except for a very nasty skin condition , her face and arms were covered with a large number of pustules and it was obvious that she had been scratching them ; the scratch-marks were bleeding slightly .
20 Rostov was not sure what purpose his stateroom had served previously but it was obvious that it had been occupied by at least four persons , all of whom had been possessed of diverse tastes with regard to the minimal decoration which was permissible aboard a ship designed for deep space exploration .
21 I picked one of them up and was struck to the heart , for it was obvious that he had been writing a lot of poetry , all of it , so it seemed to me , very good .
22 I was not sure that I had been baptized ( having shrunk back from the outstretched hand with water in my late teens , believing baptism a piece of medieval nonsense ) , while wanting to be a member of the church .
23 There was an area of bruising below the right eye but , although it was recent , Wycliffe felt sure that it had been inflicted some time before death — probably the day before .
24 Who could be sure that it had been positioned correctly , that the first thick black line was exactly three feet and six inches from the green tiles of the floor ?
25 He was not using Fairbrother 's soap , Richard was sure of that , even though his mother had made sure that he had been supplied with the exact brand most popular at the school .
26 He still had intonation problems , but his ‘ Asile hereditaire ’ aria was at last all that one had been led to expect , and he was mightily impressive in the Act II trio with Yurisich and Roderick Kennedy as Furst .
27 All that they did was make the room slightly wobbly .
28 A year later , having received only part of the sum owed to him , Edward III demanded and got more : all that he had been ceded in 1358 , to which were added Normandy , Maine , Anjou , and Touraine , also in full sovereignty .
29 The , finally remembering all that I had been told , I capsized myself and grabbed onto the canoe and paddle and headed for the nearest bank .
30 All that I saw was seen also by Hugh Beringar , but after what has come to light this morning these details fall into place . ’
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