Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] [vb past] [pron] would " in BNC.

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1 Although he did not commit a future Labour government to taking the tunnel into public ownership , he made it clear that he believed it would require a public stake to complete the project .
2 Stok joined in the last three words as I said them , and then he laughed So loud that I thought he would shake some of the cracked tiles off the wall .
3 But the amount of money we received would have been so little that we thought it would be far more useful if instead I could be given a job in one of the innumerable Allied offices that had sprung up everywhere .
4 When I was released , I was so relieved that I swore I would lead a normal life — no more endless walks .
5 Her comments alongside her weekly measuring sessions said so much that I felt you would enjoy reading them too :
6 Lee suddenly felt so sad that she thought she would never move again .
7 He put his hands on her shoulders , towering over her , his powerful body so compelling that she thought she would fall if he let her go .
8 My son was so feeble that I thought I would lose him at birth .
9 For example , we do n't know whether non-human species get depressed and even if we were sure that they did there would still be a lot of doubt about which behaviours signified depression in an animal .
10 When you are satisfied that the area you like is , in fact , all that you hoped it would be , you can turn your attention to the actual property .
11 Its just that I thought you would n't come here any more … not after last night . ’
12 And so miserable that she felt she would never drag herself out of this pit of misery .
13 If Vincent had rejected a place on the scheme , then it was certain that he thought it would fail .
14 An endless falling through time and space , and ecstasy so intense that she thought she would die .
15 Arabel was once quoted as being terrified by a performance of Tchaikovsky 's Pathétique Symphony in Berlin so intense that she thought it would kill you .
16 " I had chest pains so bad that I knew I would be unable to give 100 per cent . "
17 Ghorbanifar told Ledeen that he thought it would be much better to ‘ leave the hostages aside ’ .
18 She gave a dark scowl , left the room and trudged downstairs , her mood so prickly that she knew it would only need one wrong word from Julius to trigger off her own temper .
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