Example sentences of "[adj] for [noun] [noun pl] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Frequent legislative changes make it dangerous for advice workers to assume that any facts are unaltered and they must therefore always be encouraged to look things up afresh .
2 Indeed , it is not unusual for business groups to argue that competition policy should be used in this way .
3 It may be helpful for PFK readers to know that Dupla PO 4 ( Phosphate ) test kits are available in the UK for around £9.30 and they measure Phosphate levels as follows : — 0mg/l , 0.2mg/l , 0.5mg/l , 1.0mg/l and 5.0mg/l .
4 Halpin later complained that theoretical modes were too rational , too tidy , too aseptic and that those who were responsible for school systems felt that there was an omission of " much of the palpable stuff which quickens his pulse in his daily job " ( Hughes et al.
5 It is difficult for Opposition Members to say that there is no problem and that money can be spent because the general tide of expert opinion is in the Government 's favour .
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