Example sentences of "[adj] was follow [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was followed at the weekend by reports alleging that Mrs Mandela was implicated in the death of Dr Abu-Baker Asvat , who was murdered in his Soweto surgery in 1989 .
2 This was followed by the Harpers & Queen Grand Prix which proved to be another success for Markus Tecklenborg this time riding Franklin .
3 This was followed by the Plague during which 100,000 people died in London alone .
4 This was followed by the Company Commander of B Company being asked to organise a barbecue around the swimming pool ( the legacy of a former Commanding Officer who had discovered an under-used JCB in the grounds of the base ) .
5 This was followed by the cutting of a ribbon across the track by BBC television documentary producer Andrew Johnston .
6 This was followed by the finding that the L-arginine-NO pathway is a widespread tissue system involved in the regulation of cell function and communication .
7 This was followed by the voice of another woman : ‘ Even if she survives , she 'll never be right . ’
8 The outstanding early example of this was the D.C.3 , later known as the Dakota , and this was followed by the Spitfire and by many of the famous aircraft of the last War .
9 This was followed by the destruction of research as well as its most significant carriers .
10 The Model X had a 110hp ACE Cirrus Ensign , later designated the Model B. This was followed by the Model C fitted with a 95hp Menasco Pirate B-4 and the Model D with the 125hp Pirate C-4 ( NC855Y and NC 11043 ) , certificated under ATC.404 in March 1931 .
11 This was followed by the start of their rise to prominence as agricultural engineers .
12 This was followed by the Local Government Act 1888 which established county councils and county borough councils .
13 This was followed by the launch of Tesco 's hugely successful Healthy Eating range , aimed at promoting a balanced diet .
14 Following separate secret ballots which were held on Friday 2 October 1992 , the GS graded staff voted to reject by a 3–1 majority and this was followed by the AP graded staff recording a 4–1 majority in favour of rejection .
15 This was followed by the sale of the electricity supply industry in England and Wales in March 1991 [ see p. 38111 ] , which was completed on May 30 with the issue of the prospectus for the flotation of the two Scottish electricity companies , [ see p. 38300 ] .
16 To explain the nature of legal change Stone offers a model that suggests first , that clients revealed the gap between current values and the law ; second , that this was followed by the attempt of lawyers and judges to narrow the gap , often by inventing legal fictions or effectively changing the law by judicial re-interpretation ( the changing definition of legal cruelty provides one example of this ) ; and third , that all this culminated eventually in legal change when the ‘ level of duplicity and hypocrisy became intolerable to law lords and legislators alike ’ ( pp. 19–20 ) .
17 When this was followed by the demand that Sukarno resign , the President resisted .
18 This was followed by the Azores and Back Race in 1983 , sailed in Q2 's predecessor , a UFO 34 called Quixote .
19 This was followed by the creation of a national committee in exile headed by Masaryk in London .
20 It was the persuasion of the Vice Society that led Lord Chancellor Campbell to push through the Obscene Publications Act of 1857 , an Act which was to remain in force for a hundred years , and this was followed by the establishment of the first ( and short-lived ) Obscene Publications police squad in London .
21 The execution of the Hurufi was duly carried out , Fahreddin Acemi himself taking an active part , and this was followed by the execution of all his companions .
22 In 1984 the Housing and Building Control Act reduced the qualifying period of tenancy from three years to two and increased the maximum discount from 50 per cent to 60 per cent , and this was followed by the Housing and Planning Act of 1986 which increased the discounts available on flats to 70 per cent .
23 This was followed by the agreement at the end of 1946 to fuse the American and British occupation zones .
24 This was followed in the case of Ellen Street Estates Ltd. v. The Minister of Health ( C.A. , 1934 ) where the court found that it was impossible for Parliament to enact that , in a subsequent statute dealing with the same subject-matter , there should be no implied repeal .
25 Thus 1848 and 1849 were the years of great reform of the Austrian school system ; the defeat of the army by France/Piedmont in 1859 was followed by the establishment of constitutional government ; and the defeat of the army by Prussia in 1866 brought liberalism to as close as it would ever come to full state power and led to the establishment of the dual monarchy the following year .
26 An initial mission by Gregorio Panzani in 1634 was followed by the arrival in 1636 of a fully accredited papal envoy , George Con , whose considerable charm and diplomatic skill did much to further the Catholic cause .
27 A coalition government with a majority of non-communist members took office on Dec. 10 , while the resignation of Gustav Husak as President on Dec. 9 was followed by the election in his place of the country 's best-known opposition figure , Vaclav Havel , on Dec. 29 [ see pp. 37106-07 ] .
28 It was obviously much easier during the Kaiser 's war when a short sharp Court Martial was followed by the offender being shot the next morning .
29 The Communist coup in Czechoslovakia in February 1948 was followed by the signing of the Brussels Treaty with a 50-year term in March .
30 Pretender Charles attempted to enter England in 1744 , and succeeded in landing in Scotland the following year but , after initial successes in Scotland as ‘ Bonnie Prince Charles ’ — the grandson of James II — he suffered a terrible defeat at Culloden in 1746 and that was followed by the imposition of a ruthless repression in the Highlands of Scotland by the favourite son of King George II , the Duke of Cumberland .
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