Example sentences of "[adj] in the [noun] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 you ought to see underneath the fridge , he does this in the kitchen and they 've all gone under the fridge , when you 're at the top shop or any other places where the will you have a look on the cards in the window , I 'm looking for a slide , you know , but a smaller one for him for the garden for the summer really , cos that 's just about had it that one ?
2 It 's easy for them to say , ‘ Okay , put this in the computer and we 'll find someone to sing it . ’
3 Life was so different in the country and she could n't get used to the fresh air , the slower pace , the cleanliness of everything .
4 And I 'm just being hysterical , I suppose , because I 've had too many of John 's terribly strong G and Ts and it 'll all look different in the morning and I 'll come to you and say sorry and was n't I being a silly girl last night , and you can pat me on the head and say yes , was n't I ?
5 Hawkbit was " wrong in the heather and you 're wrong now . "
6 It must mean something very bad indeed has gone wrong in the company and they need to explain it away . ’
7 There 's also want more money to cheapest in the country and I say good and I hope we can fit it in this budget time and I hope we all support this , for this .
8 Yeah it 's lovely there , yeah it 's erm a m just , a metre at both ends and then it shelves down to a metre and a half in the middle and it 's great , it 's warm , it 's , you know , it 's about about body heat actually .
9 What I did n't say was that I had n't been making love to her but to Alison , taking her from behind on the kitchen table , her rump high in the air and her toes squirming helplessly an inch or two off the floor .
10 The moon was high in the sky and everything was quiet .
11 Not surprisingly she passed a less than restful night , only falling asleep as the light started to penetrate the thin curtains , and when she did finally surface the sun was high in the sky and her room was like an oven .
12 The TA bring up the rear , dressed in their lightweight trousers , boots and shirts ; many a member of staff and Regular recruit wishes that they were dressed the same , as the sun is high in the sky and their No 2 dress is somewhat warm .
13 He said : ‘ We consider our offers to be reasonable and generous in the circumstances and we are disappointed that none of these were taken up . ’
14 Her hair 's shorter in the picture and she 's a bit fatter .
15 But I say , the , I 'd heard such a lot of the Guild and the Guild 's influence was in Walsall Wood I think primarily , as I 'm always telling the women today , because they were so interested in the village and you got , they were local councillors , magistrates people you went to for advice .
16 This receptiveness increased with the succession of Louis XVI in 1774 , for he was interested in the navy and his chief minister , the Count de Maurepas , was a former Minister of Marine .
17 Therefore they will be much more interested in the firm and its structure .
18 Children are very interested in the cards and it is a very effective way of getting this message across .
19 It could be , of course , that these are the only people interested in the arts and it is a waste of time trying to increase the proportion of the modern equivalent of the footman of nice morality .
20 She was so interested in the Shah and his family . "
21 Francis has never been interested in the business and he 's never pulled his weight .
22 That move apart , Motherwell did not seem interested in the match and it was no surprise when the Dons went further ahead in the 36th minute .
23 ‘ There appear to be two parties to date who are significantly interested in the property and we expect an offer very shortly . ’
24 He 's ranked No 2 in the world and he 's on the dole .
25 What specific social problems are prevalent in the area and what support can you expect in trying to prioritise for special need ?
26 I 'll admit he gave me a start , because it was dim in the office and I did n't expect to see anybody .
27 Fred Bradley stayed very much in the background and his soft , kind eyes helped to put her at ease .
28 Now in nineteen er nineteen fifteen , the the of course the War 'd started and I can remember this so well because the day after me birthday er there was a raid , a Zeppelin raid on and I saw this Zeppelin and that day the thirty first of January nineteen fifteen when this raid was , I wen I went to work at six in the morning and I finished work at quarter to nine at night .
29 Well it 's he 's , he gets up at six in the morning and I get up at about five o'clock and I go to bed later than him anyway normally , so it must be
30 I believe that it is a success because there has been an opportunity here to get the Sunday trading case debated in the House of Commons , although it is very early in the morning and we all have difficulty in stringing our sentences together .
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