Example sentences of "[adj] in [art] [noun sg] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They 've all got a vision about their listeners , their viewers , their readers and so forth , and when they pick something , a press release , or when they hear a story or something like that , their mind 's going click click click ‘ How can I use this in a way that I can turn it into a form which is usable for my people ? ’ in a sense .
2 Would they have done this in the knowledge that they were guilty ?
3 just imagine doing this in the weather that we had , God , up to here , wind and rain
4 Bob Ewell who is the father of the so called victim , Mayella , is prepared to use his influence as a white to get Tom convicted even though we know that it is Bob Ewell who should be taking the punishment as it is made clear in the trial that he is the person who abuses Mayella not Tom .
5 We have tried to make it clear in the law that what we are establishing is a parallel procedure and not an exclusive procedure , so that the other law as it existed , whatever it is , still does exist today , but that here is a prescribed procedure which terminally ill patients may choose to use should they wish to do so .
6 It became clear in an instant that they had found the paso .
7 It 's risky in the sense that you change this file .
8 It seems that there are very few situations in which support from relatives is totally reliable in the sense that it would be given automatically , and without further thought , when a need is identified .
9 ‘ You can see things going wrong in the company that you would n't have seen in any other way , ’ says EIS guru Bob Widener .
10 Lord , as we look around we see a a tremendous harvest and we just pray that we might be honourable and faithful in the task that you give to us .
11 He held me so high in the air that my whole body trembled .
12 Comets incident with tens of kilotons of energy explode so high in the atmosphere that they are scarcely noticed at the surface .
13 Moral rules are foundational in the sense that they are concerned with the maintenance of , for instance , trust , mutual help and justice in human relationships .
14 All that was in essence known to HQ 5 Corps was that the greater number of these people were " Cossacks " or " Russians " making up various units who had found themselves in Austria because to a greater or lesser extent they had been associated with the Germans , and had surrendered to the British in the hope that they might thus avoid falling into the hands of the Communists .
15 They have been particularly interested in a fact that I touched upon earlier when discussing the ‘ Ontological Argument ’ , namely that existence is not a quality or attribute of something in the way that being round , or hard , or long-haired is an attribute .
16 I mean it 's it 's happened and I was ha I was so interested in the subject that I asked Mr for a copy of the report where it goes back in the history and of course it is the history of trading standards and , and so on .
17 The civilians appeared to be very interested in the kilt that I am wearing and , of course , the pipes seem to fascinate them .
18 Employers making these connections between the ‘ ignorance ’ of ‘ our brightest children ’ , WE , the entry of these youngsters into manufacturing industry and the rejuvenation of British capitalism were clearly not interested in the notion that WE was essentially concerned with ROSLA or the ‘ average and below average ability ranges ’ ( ibid. , p. 16 , my emphasis ) .
19 For instance , in American factories ( I visited Peavey a couple of years ago and many , if not most of Yamaha 's processes apply there , too ) there 's a far higher proportion of musicians involved — people who know why guitars work and who are actively interested in the fact that they 're producing musical instruments and not simply ‘ product ’ .
20 But no-one seems interested in the fact that you 've almost certainly stinted yourself for years .
21 Industry analysts were more interested in the fact that he controlled enough shares in the world 's biggest soup maker to veto any takeover bid .
22 Julia was so interested in the cross-examination that she almost disobeyed Anthony 's instructions to go back to the Campo San Maurizio for lunch and spend the afternoon in bed , but , remembering how weak she had felt the previous evening , she did as he said .
23 He had been very careful in the way that he spoke to her and was very apologetic when he swore .
24 Thus , for several weeks both Monty and I were relieved of any responsibility in the matter and turned our attention to other and more profitable activities ; but I was foolish in the expectation that I should long be left in peace .
25 It is universal in the sense that it is used on all five continents .
26 The idea of countability is probably universal in the sense that it is readily accessible to all human beings and is expressed in the lexical structure of all languages .
27 Well the proposals that are made in the in the Committees er report for funding erm seem to us acceptable with the exception of the comment we have already made erm i acceptable in the sense that they would be borne by erm all pension funds in proportion to their the size of their assets and in relation to the size of the er compensation has to be paid .
28 They are both transmittable and accumulative , and they are cultural in the sense that they are transmitted by the society , not by the genes ’ ( Nida 1954:28 ) .
29 It does n't necessarily mean that they 're unscrupulous in the way that they get their own way ; they just have very clear ideas and it 's impossible for them to see it any other way . ’
30 It is particularly interesting in the way that it counters the widely held view that Los Alamos was dragging its feet over the development of the Super even after the presidential directive in early 1950 for a crash programme towards producing a hydrogen weapon .
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