Example sentences of "[adj] and go [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nabiyev completed a two-day visit to Iran on June 30 and went on to Pakistan , returning to Tajikistan on July 4 .
2 She joined the old South of Scotland Electricity Board in 1976 as a legal assistant — the first female solicitor it had employed — but by 1980 wanted to do something different and went back to university with the company 's blessing ( and a scholarship ) to get an MBA .
3 Sorry for W. C. T. , but thought three things dangerous to merchants and tradesmen , too much and too long credit , borrowing too much on discount , and extending the trade too much and going out of depth .
4 By contrast , Jack Nicklaus made an eagle three and went on to birdie the next two holes , turning around a deficit of four shots to win the tournament .
5 She earned a degree from the Sacred Heart Academy in Washington in 1917 and went back to New York , starring in Penrod , Dear Brutus , On The Firing Line and The Wren .
6 Riborg approved of the Iraquis because they wore clean shirts every day , but disapproved of the Welsh because they were dirty and noisy and went round in droves .
7 Their latest collaborative effort a huge construction extravaganza called ‘ The Merry-Go-World or Begat by Chance and the Wonder Horse Trigger ’ takes up most of the available space at Louver starting on the 24th and going around until Christmas .
8 My hobbies are weight-training , window-shopping and going out to discos . ’
9 Meetings are infamous for getting stuck and going round in circles .
10 Is he aware that , in the case of telecoms , the price control formula started at retail prices index minus 3 and went on to RPI minus 4.5 and only recently has been increased to RPI minus 6.25 ?
11 " I suggest that we meet here at nine and go along to Ingard House together . "
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