Example sentences of "[adj] and [adj] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Seeking high and low for new rewards and new ways forward .
2 Jay 's car was twenty years old and useless for long journeys .
3 Yet , it often happens that these variables are socially salient and important for historical projection on to earlier states of language .
4 I will observe , Chairman , that there are reasonable and honourable and relatively well meaning people who truly believe that they have a natural right to hunt down foxes with dogs indeed to call the dogs hounds and believe that nobody has the right to interfere with their pleasures er , i in press they would no doubt speak of the right of free born Englishmen to do what they like but I 'd like them to consider Chairman , views of what it is right and proper for human beings to do have changed , as readers of John 's diaries will recall , barely three hundred years ago , he saw a woman being burned to death er in London for murdering her husband and people watched and no doubt thought that it was the right of free born Englishmen to enjoy the spectacle .
5 This demise of the oldest discipline in the world is clearly absurd and ripe for serious reconsideration .
6 In recent years , the provisions of the Civil Evidence Act 1968 have come under increasing criticism for being unnecessary and out-moded for current technology .
7 Nevertheless , the radioactivity imparted to the pebbles must be weak and transient for obvious health reasons , and this means that radioactivity detectors must be very near the pebbles before they are located , thus increasing the tedium of the experiments .
8 My favourite black pepper is the telicherry berry , which is hot and pungent and excellent for general cooking and for use whole in marinades .
9 Adjectives like big and small are gradually restricted with the addition of pairs like tall and short for vertical extent , or long and short for horizontal extent ( Donaldson and Wales , 1979 ) .
10 It is not , of course , enough for the landlord to say that he honestly believes that the house is fit and proper for safe habitation .
11 She habitually moved in a kind of nautical crawl , with her stomach close to the deck , as though close-furled and ready for dirty weather .
12 If the rug retains the creases , or if they prove difficult to dislodge , then the wool is too soft and inelastic for top quality pile material .
13 Group agreed that laser printers were uneconomical and unnecessary for normal correspondence , and that their use should be restricted to areas where presentation quality is needed , for preparation of near-camera-ready copy and for documents distributed to outside bodies , such as commissioned Reports , etc .
14 Group agreed that laser printers were uneconomical and unnecessary for normal correspondence , and that their use should be restricted to areas where presentation quality is needed , for preparation of near-camera-ready copy and for documents distributed to outside bodies , such as commissioned Reports , etc .
15 Her therapist held that it was natural and healthy for human beings to assume that bad things happened only to other people in remote areas .
16 I like the desert green for the cusp of the evening , Caribbean pink for the smallest dot of night , yellow , white and red for post-pub crowds .
17 Even by the standards of ships that could set down upon the surfaces of worlds , the Tormentum Malorum was singularly sleek and streamlined for rapid departure or arrival through atmosphere .
18 The next two centuries saw an extensive use of this method of book illustration , but it was too costly and delicate for large editions .
19 Mr Justice Hutchison told Hill : ‘ Death was the unhappy and unlooked for tragic consequence of a momentary loss of temper on your part . ’
20 Using only the mildest ingredients , all products are fragrance-free and suitable for sensitive skins .
21 The beach is really shallow and safe for young families .
22 Adjectives like big and small are gradually restricted with the addition of pairs like tall and short for vertical extent , or long and short for horizontal extent ( Donaldson and Wales , 1979 ) .
23 As usual , all rigs are fully interchangeable and ready for instant swaps .
24 At a windsurfing school the environment is carefully chosen to be safe and suitable for quick progress , with the wind being the only variable .
25 Mellanby located the causes in environmental and even cultural factors — the greater intermingling of city children , overcrowded dwellings or — in girls the fashion for ‘ permanent waves ’ , in which hair would be set and then left uncombed and unwashed for long periods .
26 There are two types of resources : those available and necessary for initial design , and those required for the development and application of the indexing language .
27 First he has the reserve power to direct a local authority to make an assessment of land available and suitable for residential development ( see below ) .
28 There is a good case for excluding these economically inactive people since they can not really be described as capable and available for full-time work .
29 If flowers are preferred , it is a case of what to leave out , rather than hunting far and wide for attractive herb species .
30 As Dr Johnson observed : ‘ sounds are too volatile and subtile for legal restraints ’ ( Bolton , 1966 : 152 ) , and the history of English phonology is not a history of the standard at all , but a history of vernaculars .
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