Example sentences of "[adj] is [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The theme which interests such theologians is that of liberation : this is both read out of the scriptures and then the scriptures are read in terms of this theme .
2 And , if needed for defrosting work , this is best carried out before the start of service periods , whilst the oven is still cold .
3 This is best carried out after the skin brushing and aromatic bath routine .
4 This is best laid out on the plates whilst the brains are being simmered .
5 This is best brought out by Gordon 's analysis of the reasonable man as a test and the reasonable man as a standard .
6 This is normally run off with other effluents without difficulty , but care may be needed if the waste water contains soap , because insoluble lime soap may precipitate in the drains and cause blockages .
7 This is generally taken up in a chorus of masculine approval : Yes , a fly on his shirt !
8 This is partly brought about by the theoretical writings of Constantin Stanislavsky who confounds the issue for us by bringing emotional expression back onto the stage .
9 The study shows that although large amounts of hydrogen chloride are released during some volcanic eruptions , this is effectively washed out in the rain that invariably accompanies an eruption .
10 This is largely made up of cheque and voucher trading but also includes personal loans , credit sales , hire-purchase , running account and hire and rental .
11 However , because deprivation is also associated with excess mortality some of this is already picked up by including standardised mortality ratio .
12 And , if by some misfortune , he or she miscalculates and dares to put on even a tiny amount of excess fat , this is immediately dieted off within a week of it first appearing .
13 This is also tied up with the new contract bidding system , about which you may have read in the press .
14 This is clearly brought out by Maggi Darling , who has been successful in classifying the wares of different legions in the first century from the excavations at Gloucester , Usk and Wroxeter , where , in all three cases , there is a significant absence of black burnished wares .
15 This is primarily carried out under sections 2 , 3 , and 4 , although section 5 provides for doctor and nurse holding powers , police powers exist under section 136 and courts have powers to direct individuals into hospital ( for example , section 37 ) .
16 This is expressly ruled out in the Act , but only for five years , although the Conservative Education Association recommended that the period should be ten years .
17 This is duly hooked up to its stablemate , an Ampeg 1510 cab , containing one 15″ and one 10″ speaker with an attenuable horn to augment the higher frequencies .
18 Since this is inextricably bound up with women 's position in society as the prime providers of such tending , it becomes difficult to say whether the depressed status of such work is a result of a system of male domination of women or whether such work has been allocated to women as part of that process .
19 This is often picked up by the programmers , who then make the system more secure . ’
20 This is often mentioned along with the sabbath ( e.g. Isaiah 1:13 ) .
21 Moreover , the largest areas that are affected ( Table 7.1 ) are rangelands where overgrazing is the major culprit though , as Cloudsley-Thompson ( 1988 ) has discussed , this is often brought about by the encroachment on grazing lands by cash-crop farmers .
22 As this is often linked up with annuities , endowment policies and private pension plans , several of the major life assurance companies , such as the Legal and General Assurance Society ( address on page 155 ) run their own courses as a service for their prospective pensioners , for groups of employees of large companies , or for individuals from smaller companies .
23 This is readily pointed out by Acia , one of Zero School 's science teachers .
24 If this is then converted back to sterling at the end of the year at the spot rate e 1 = 1.91 , we get 1.133 .
25 This is then mapped on to a geometric domain which contains all the graphical description of the object in CAD terms .
26 This is then deducted along with other allowances and deductions from total income to arrive at taxable income .
27 This is then shared out among colleges whose costs have been historically high , for a variety of reasons .
28 This is perhaps borne out by the fact that since the UK joined the EC with its current population of 320 million people , it has always operated with a net deficit on its balance of trade with its European partners .
29 This is gently mixed up with the compost and the worms get to work .
30 This is certainly borne out by the World Boxing Council ratings .
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