Example sentences of "[adj] it [be] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If parents and nurses would only realise how much easier it is for the child to bend to the social and moral laws in later life , when trained from infancy , how much sorrow might be saved .
2 just turn them off , and that 's it Just normal conversations the words that people use in common different areas of the country , with accents and th dialect and one thing and another it 's for the Oxford English Dictionary the next edition .
3 In few cases was the curriculum criticized adversely , but in one or two cases a particular course was questioned in terms of how appropriate it was for the pupils , or because an aspect of the curriculum was underdeveloped .
4 Control of the rhythm of the lesson will depend partly on the structure of the program and how easy it is for the teacher to use .
5 A group of fifth form pupils when asked for their response after using a simulation on the Arab-Israeli situation , remarked that one thing it had demonstrated was how easy it was for the countries to slide into war !
6 No clear principles determine the allocation of disputes to these bodies although the greater the element of discretion and the more important the policy considerations , the less likely it is for the courts to take on the new area of responsibility .
7 Defender Steve Bruce added : ‘ The more good players we have the better it is for the squad .
8 We have seen how important it is for the retailer to choose the right place and the right product .
9 For all its graphs , diagrams and photographs and highly technical text , I was glad to see that the practical matters were not neglected and the author was keen to emphasise the personal touch and how important it is for the stockman to treat his cows with confidence , affection and respect .
10 The conversion also shows how important it is for the planning authority to be flexible about change of use so the right scheme does not get blocked prematurely .
11 Just how important it is for the mountain goat to be footsure is summed up by Doug Chadwick , an American biologist who lived with goats for several years :
12 He stressed how unwise it was for the House to curtail Committee stages .
13 The larger this becomes the harder it is for the rest of the heart to function .
14 These trends indicate how difficult it is for the market to translate what it has been told about the purchasing power of this group into reality .
15 As Scott later pointed out , he then reversed his usual argument that Gothic did not provide enough light , by explaining how difficult it was for the Speaker to control the sunlight coming through the windows of his house in the Houses of Parliament .
16 owing to the difficulty of forecasting [ … ] the less possible , and indeed , the less desirable it is for the person purchasing to specify what the other contracting party is expected to do [ …
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