Example sentences of "[adj] to be [vb pp] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Is this to be judged as immoral ?
2 Though too few to be presented as typical , examples such as these confirm that letting was apt to be of small parcels — commonly portions of tenements — for short terms .
3 Excessive caution is therefore as much to be avoided as excessive dogmatism .
4 The fact that a spoken context of utterance is constructed from a written text emphasises the separation between the real and the fictional enunciations : the referents of the personal pronouns in the text are likely to be perceived as fictive personae , while author and reader are not directly present or involved in the constructed text world .
5 Unattributed assertions in news stories and headlines are likely to be received as factual , while criticism expressed in personlised columns is more likely to be regarded as opinion , especially when it appears to be an inference drawn by the columnist from facts to which reference has been made .
6 Indeed , in social systems where the position of social rebels is not recognized , such as that of Soviet Russia , you are likely to be reckoned as insane anyway .
7 But the paraphernalia of better light bulbs , lean-burn engines and cavity-wall insulation with which the North supports its arguments are likely to be dismissed as irrelevant in parts of the world which for the most part have no need for cavity walls .
8 The scope of this provision , which is examined later in this book , is unclear , but it would seem that both categories of standard terms identified in Schroeder may fall into the definition of " written standard terms " ; however , those in the first category are more likely to be regarded as reasonable than those in the second .
9 Indeed , wherever assistance is defined as a gift ( rather than , for example , part of a broader pattern of exchange ) , it is likely to be regarded as inappropriate that the potential beneficiary should behave in an instrumental way towards the potential donor .
10 A person is permitted under the section to argue that he was unaware that his conduct was likely to be regarded as disorderly by those who witness what he is doing .
11 The opinion , which comes ten years after a joint opinion by Arden and Leonard Hoffman QC and which supersedes it , not only concludes that standards are likely to be accepted as authoritative by the courts but that they are likely to accept that that compliance with abstracts of the UITF ‘ is also necessary to meet the true and fair requirement ’ .
12 Another important exception can be found in Grieco 's ( 1987 ) data on the use of kin networks to secure employment , where she found that relatives as distant as cousins were as likely to be involved as close kin in arrangements which brought a number of male and female kin into the same workplace or firm .
13 This minor affair underlined the Army 's contention that nuclear weapons and air power were no substitute for troops on the ground in the type of fighting in which Britain was likely to be involved as long as she remained a colonial power .
14 Social class and rural-urban contrasts , and different relations with British colonial states and education systems , are very likely to be involved as causal influences here , and Swann could well have commissioned research to explore some of the underlying issues .
15 A third party may of course make diplomatic representations or bring pressure to bear upon a State to perform what it perceives to be that State 's treaty obligations with another State , although such action is likely to be resented as unwarranted interference in external affairs .
16 The latter alternative is preferable since it is more likely to be seen as constructive and thus win support ( see Building on page 25 ) .
17 For the professional footballer whose plans and aspirations require physical fitness , an accident involving a permanent disability is likely to be seen as disastrous .
18 If internal criticism is unwelcome , the views of outsiders are even more likely to be seen as hostile and derogatory .
19 The wider the conception of poverty , the greater the number of people who are likely to be viewed as poor and the greater the policy problem in alleviating poverty .
20 The invitation , like last year 's to Enoch Powell , is likely to be viewed as controversial .
21 Because corporate crimes are hardly likely to be described as heinous in the media , few consciences are outraged and scandalized ; consequently , the ingredients which deterrent theorists argue are necessary to achieve a specific deterrent effect do not typically exist .
22 The hit single ‘ Losing My Religion ’ is likely to be read as self-reflection on REM 's position in the worldwide musical scheme of things , doubt and discomfort at the prospect of unwanted disciples : ‘ Oh no , I 've said too much/I have n't said enough ’ is the paradox that runs throughout .
23 If the UDF win more seats Francois Leotard seems likely to be chosen as prime minister , particularly if his Republican party performs well in the elections .
24 Pre-eminent among those to be counted as public servants is Alyson Bailes .
25 Nevertheless , the insertion of a trivial amount to restrict liability for a serious breach ( for wilful or inadvertent default ) is unlikely to be regarded as reasonable .
26 I am not ashamed to be regarded as sympathetic to the anxieties of those whom life appears to be treating harshly .
27 Polyethylene and poly(tetrafluoroethylene) are both sufficiently symmetrical to be considered as smooth stiff cylindrical rods .
28 Any whose feelings overflow are liable to be seen as weak or ‘ difficult ’ .
29 Jeffrey Weeks , Professor of Sociology at Bristol Polytechnic , author of several set texts on homosexuality and himself gay , did not think it libellous to be described as homosexual .
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