Example sentences of "[adj] of [noun sg] [conj] i have " in BNC.

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1 I 've got two thirds of back and I 've been doing it a month .
2 This is still a month or two short of publication but I have managed to get hold of a set of proofs which I am sending you under separate cover .
3 I 'd been in and out of hospitals , where my veins had been pumped full of glucose because I 'd refused to eat .
4 God says to us , ‘ Yes , you are guilty , unworthy and deserving of punishment but I have provided for your forgiveness . ’
5 I did manage to find the address of the company through an advert , but after writing to them I have had no reply and so I am unable to recharge the 2-lb of resin that I have used .
6 I smiled to myself as I let in the clutch and moved off I would stop at the shop and tell the little man that he could collect his pans without the slightest fear of being torn limb from limb , but my overriding emotion was one of relief that I had not cut the sparkle out of the big dog 's life .
7 Although it would be mad to claim that I felt happy , my first feeling was one of cheer that I had escaped from prison .
8 I 've been a bit dull of hearing and I have n't got my hearing aid in .
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