Example sentences of "[adj] of [noun sg] [noun] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In addition half of Ingredient P would have to be purchased externally for [ f9,000/2 ] f4,500 .
2 Those found guilty of insider dealing would face a series of civil penalties including disqualification from the directorship or management of a company for up to five years .
3 Any creature that could eat hundreds of rugby balls could swallow us in one go . ’
4 Hundreds of oil jobs will go at the UIE yard at Clydebank unless new orders are won quickly .
5 Hundreds of oil jobs will go at UIE in Clydebank unless new orders are won quickly .
6 Health watchdogs fear the Government 's NHS reforms could mean hundreds of hospital patients will have to travel long distances for treatment .
7 But when she had made her reckless decision to sail with him , it had never occurred to her that the smooth , sunny Mediterranean of holiday brochures might have a darker , more dangerous face .
8 Regulations 29 to 31 of Table A shall take effect subject to this paragraph .
9 Regulations 29 to 31 of Table A shall take effect subject to this paragraph .
10 Truman was reminded that it was an agreed military estimate that if Indo-China falls , ‘ very likely all of South-East Asia may come under communist domination ’ and , although it might not have seemed a very credible danger , it was pointed out that the Philippines were less than 800 miles from Indo-China .
11 Our first thought might be that an individual bank which was short of base money could raise the rate of interest it offered to depositors .
12 If more adequate services are to be made available for the expected increase in the numbers needing them , those of working age will have to pay more in central or local taxes .
13 In Britain for the foreseeable future the ultimate purchaser of 80% or more of health care will continue to be the Treasury .
14 As millions of rail travellers will testify , the ‘ service ’ is now no more than a sick joke .
15 Its people gripped by an apathy from which the snappiest of TV soundbites may draw no blood at all .
16 It has been estimated that up to one-third of hill land could grow timber and the aim is to increase the forestry acreage by 60 per cent by the end of the century .
17 Evans has drawn attention to the danger of discrimination by specialty in a cost-obsessed climate , so that ‘ a geriatrician may face the nightmare that the specialty dedicated to providing old people with the best of hospital care will become an impediment to their obtaining it ’ , even though an investment in optimum treatment often yields rich dividends through the avoidance of expensive long-term dependency .
18 THOUSANDS of rail commuters will get a discount on next year 's season tickets .
19 Nor do I accept that all the questions referred to a visitor involve such arcane learning that only those intimately aware of university affairs can begin to understand it , the judges of the land not being able to appreciate the issues .
20 New volunteers who may not be aware of hospital policy can make errors of judgment .
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