Example sentences of "[adj] of [art] long [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It is instructive to contrast the portrayal of these emperors with that of the longest survivor of this period , the emperor Gallienus ( AD 253–68 ) .
2 We can also note that the relating of the artistic to the existential is characteristic of a long line of German writers .
3 There are no pneumatic cavities in the presacral vertebrae , as often occurs among saurischians , but all of the long bones of the skeleton are strongly hollowed as in theropods .
4 He gestured towards the first of a long row of recuperation pods , where Christine LaFayette 's face was visible through a clear plastic window .
5 Hervey , a Breton , was appointed bishop , the first of a long series of members of the English royal court to be provided with a Welsh see : he was also the first bishop in Wales to come under the authority of an English archbishop .
6 One of the first of a long series of attempts to reconstruct the facts behind the records was undertaken by Hermann Samuel Reimarus ( 1694 — 1768 ) in his Apology for the Reasonable Worshippers of God .
7 The Director-General of RTF was appointed by the government ( as were the heads of state or public service radio and TV until 1982 ) : the ‘ DG ’ appointed in 1946 , Vladimir Porche , held his post for 11 years ; but governments conceived of broadcasting as a state administration , and Porche himself — a ‘ counseiller d'etat ’ — was the first of a long series of ‘ counseillers d'etat ’ , prefects and top civil servants to head the state broadcasting organizations , RTF and ORTF ( i.e. until 1974 ) .
8 He is the first of a long line of distinguished French portrait sculptors .
9 Mike Gatting , first of a long line of England captains in 1988 .
10 In vitro fertilisation is only the first of a long line of reproductive technologies which may be developed in the future .
11 Phil was the first of a long list of people to tackle this challenge — abseiling down the 170 feet of the electrical engineering tower .
12 But in 1984 , Arthur succumbed to an obscure lung complaint that almost killed him , the first of a long list of lay-offs throughout his career .
13 Palafox and Romana are thus the first of a long succession of generals who claimed that the army officers embodied the general will of the nation , perverted by a selfish clique of unpopular politicians .
14 This significant alteration in the nature of the Muftilik suggests the need for a reconsideration of the Turkish historical tradition regarding the establishment of the institution , to explore the possibility that Fahreddin Acemi was in a very real sense the first of the long line of Muftis .
15 At least , this was the opinion of Dugdale , writing a hundred years later ; but it should be remembered that he was one of a long line of propagandists for land drainage , and that , while localized deterioration must have taken place , there is also ample evidence of the activities of the courts of sewers and of individual enterprise by secular landlords .
16 Adams ' report , one of a long line of studies , expert groups , advisory committees and internal and external task forces that have looked at Super-SARA , declared that the project was still viable if it got an immediate go-ahead .
17 Dustin was one of a long line of candidates being screen-tested in a ten-minute scene with Katharine Ross .
18 Designed by Sydney Camm , the Hunter was one of a long line of successful fighting aircraft from the Hawker stable .
19 One of a long list of commandments , much more extensive than the original ten , that had circumscribed the exploits of Preston 's youth .
20 They may be hoping to enlist the support of Mrs Thatcher , one of a long list of famous old girls .
21 It 's one of a long list of endangered species in a 2 hour Central Documentary tonight .
22 Small-town solicitor takes lid off global scams Audrey Gillan meets the man with an eye for a con and finds the Salvation Army is one of a long list of potential fraud targets
23 Lay one of the long strips of cardboard over this join and staple through card and fabric on to the batten .
24 Only sometimes , alone with sleeplessness or through one of the long evenings of early dark , Dorothea became afraid .
25 By 1970 , with the passing of the old empire , these were all over , and only the totally unexpected war with Argentina over the Falklands in 1982 interrupted what was one of the longest periods of unbroken peace that Britain had known since the later middle ages .
26 A prices and incomes accord , negotiated in 1983 , had ( with several revisions ) covered the whole of the Hawke government 's period in office and was credited by its advocates with having created 300,000 jobs , reduced real unit labour costs and underpinned one of the longest periods of industrial harmony in the country 's history .
27 Finally , to cap it all , in August Iraq invaded Kuwait , precipitating one of the longest runs of lead-stories in decades .
28 Dixon , one of the longest serving of Wycliffe 's DCs and one who had never sought or wanted promotion , was duty officer .
29 Another conifer , the bristle-cone pine which grows in the dry mountains of the southwestern United States , has one of the longest life-spans of any individual organism .
30 Times change ; the magic of those last lingering minutes of twilight on one of the longest days of the year , still remains .
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