Example sentences of "[adj] of [art] [noun] [conj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He continued up the road until he was well clear of the gate and its watchers .
2 In the 1940s wives were still bitterly resentful of the fact that their husbands did not seem to realise that they needed leisure .
3 Unfortunately , we repeatedly confronted situations where managers were busily engaged in developing increasingly sophisticated computer-based techniques for analysing , environmental change , oblivious of the fact that their reports were seldom used by anyone within the firm … .
4 Salt has the effect of reducing the excretion of urine and as a bonus , it will go some way to controlling some of the parasites that your fish may have .
5 Eventually I asked him how he had become a Christian and why he had believed , and then asked him how he would answer some of the questions that his visit to a French university was bound to raise .
6 With experienced guides , you can stroll among the seals and even feed some of the babies while their mothers go for a swim under the ice .
7 Where I could also spend a great deal of time talking about our common enemies , our mutual friends and some of the similarity and our aims for world peace and again , I 'm gon na leave that for the statesmen and the politicians .
8 It is with some reluctance that I have to strongly disagree with one of my fellow presidents , but some of the impressions that her article creates are very misleading and , in some cases , offensive .
9 The first evening we left the children with some of the helpers and my husband , David , and I set out to Mass at the convent .
10 I still sing and play some of the material that my father used all those years ago .
11 He talked of the future ; he made light of the present and its difficulties until Lucy lost sight of them too .
12 This brochure can do more than introduce you to a few of the services that our personal customers find most useful .
13 He was very worried , afraid of the shame if his daughter got to know .
14 The Governor ( 1947 — 9 ) , Sir Gerald Creasey , who was a Whitehall official , lacked a sure touch ; despite the Watson Commission 's comments on chiefly authority he selected a group strongly representative of the chiefs and their allies .
15 The campaign relies on a provision in the Water Resources Act 1991 , under which company directors are deemed guilty of an offence if their company causes pollution with their " consent or connivance " or if it is " attributable to any neglect " on their part .
16 And they were so contemptuous of the Nazis and their cohorts they could not imagine that they themselves featured in the minds and machinations of such louts .
17 The only stable group is that of a tigress and her cubs .
18 Common Law treated a contract as voidable if made under duress , i.e. threats of violence to life or limb ; it took no account of more subtle forms of pressure — the unfair advantage taken of a man in distressed circumstances , the influence exercised in certain relations , such as that of a guardian and his former ward , or solicitor and client .
19 Another well known and frequently reported story is that of the man and his dog at Swithland .
20 The editors begin their Introduction by agreeing with Professor David Walker 's statement in the Scottish Legal System that Scottish legal history is closer to that of the Continent than its English counterpart .
21 As a result of this section , it is now open to a person to claim that he was unaware of the effect that his words or conduct might be having , in which case it is then for the prosecutor to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he was so aware .
22 B : That was before I was cognisant of the fact that my Wakefield caucus would only have one in over my dead body .
23 Her own father had been as much of a weakling as her husband subsequently became ; Gustave supplanted him .
24 Even so , he was as much of a traveller as his friend peter the Venerable .
25 I 'm not as much of a self-deluder as my fellow committee members .
26 Much of the craftsmanship and its relevant technologies considered so far is in marked contrast to the most common of artefacts , pottery .
27 He did n't think much of the unions and their so-called democracy , preferring to rely on direct contact with the leaders .
28 As is well known , the Sunday Times case then went on to the European Court of Human Rights which held that the injunction violated Article 10 of the Convention and its right to freedom of expression .
29 Paranoid of the tabloids and their quest for story invention , Morrissey fell into the archetypal superstar lifestyle .
30 Such farmers were very conscious of the impediment that their lack of knowledge and skills was to the future development of the farm .
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