Example sentences of "[adj] change [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Before her conversion , she would doubtless have insisted on waiting for the results of a number of studies being conducted by an international panel on climatic change set up by the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environmental Programme .
2 The celebration of this World Communications Day underlines the need for the Church to respond to the many unprecedented changes brought about by the communications media and their effects on modern living .
3 First , one of the most important conceptual changes brought about by the most recent wave of feminism is the general recognition that housework is work in all the conventional senses , except that it is unpaid .
4 The effect of these three changes brought about by the growth of corporate enterprise was that the market could no longer be viewed as regulating and thereby legitimating the exercise of corporate power .
5 Richard Johnson in his essay on the early nineteenth-century radical educators emphasised the relationship between the activities of the latter and the tremendous social , economic and political changes brought about by the industrial revolution .
6 ‘ Nobody can predict what will happen over the next decade , particularly with all the agricultural changes brought about by the EC , but East Anglia can grow some of the best and cheapest grain in Europe and we are well placed to benefit from that ’ .
7 But before that stage was reached , the far-reaching social and economic changes brought about by the post-emancipation process of modernization , industrialization and the growth of capitalist relationships in Russia also found their idiosyncratic expression in Siberia , newly enlarged by the territory of the Amur and Ussuri regions which were incorporated into the empire at China 's expense by the visionary efforts of the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia , N.N. Muravev-Amurskii ( treaties of Aigun , 1858 , and Pekin , 1860 ) .
8 One of the most important reasons for this is that the Latin American elites reacted quickly and in most cases effectively to the social and economic changes brought about by the industrialisation , urbanisation and immigration of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
9 It is the landscape of the cloth industry in the neighbourhood of Halifax before the revolutionary changes brought about by the invention of power-driven machinery :
10 Whether developments in Europe since the Second World War have wrought the sort of constitutional change brought about by the emergence of the Dominions after the First World War , raises exactly this question and we turn to it in the next chapter .
11 If so , Carver 's last mass is evidence of the profound stylistic changes brought about by the Reformation .
12 Two other changes brought about by the 1988 Act make it important that other aspects of policy are also managed in as full and collegial a manner as possible .
13 ‘ Regeneration ’ describes the new beginning and permanent change brought about by the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the person who has responded by faith to Christ .
14 The massive changes brought about by the ending of the cold war and by the collapse of state mechanism in some Eastern European countries opens up a significant opportunity to undertake work in the very near future .
15 Some new measures had , of course , been necessary , but on the whole changes brought about by the war were less incisive than they had been in 1914 .
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