Example sentences of "[adj] than he have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But he dared not move , not this time , not yet , and he held on tight , lying there with his body ten times more thrillingly alive than he had ever known it .
2 A charge of magic bigger than he had ever seen was building up ; when he moved , in painful slow motion , his limbs left trails of golden sparks that traced their shape in the air .
3 There was a future now , brighter than he had ever hoped for .
4 Evans 's news was better than he 'd ever hoped for .
5 He still shot a 68 , driving better than he 'd ever done before , using a club acquired from Eamonn Darcy only a month before .
6 Maybe Myeloski was better than he had previously thought .
7 Gurder looked more unhappy than he 'd ever seen him .
8 She stared back at him , more vacant and stupid than he had ever seen her .
9 Franco could not believe that the miners wanted more than he had already given them and , as always , viewed their discontent as political subversion .
10 THOUGH FATHER MCGIFF ADMITTED to himself that he was no longer a youngster , he knew it was n't his age that had him suddenly welcoming autumn and winter far more than he had ever welcomed spring and summer .
11 In Scale 1 he protests that he speaks of more than he has directly experienced : In the second book which complements the material in the first , there is an often remarked upon change of tone : the reservation and distancing of Scale 1 is absent from the imagistic structures which embody his thought and insight in Scale 2 .
12 He felt hurt and angry and older than he 'd ever felt in his life before .
13 Harry returned to his room shortly before midnight , feeling less drunk than he had latterly behaved .
14 Maurice was still sober enough to know that he was drunk , and knew also that the water between the boats was wilder than he had ever seen it .
15 He passed her , holding his face away from every shouted word , interspersing them with his own but not loud enough to be heard : ‘ Stop it , ’ ‘ This is destructive , ’ ‘ Do n't say these things , ’ until in the middle of the hall he thrashed the coat repeatedly against the floor , yelling louder than he had ever done .
16 The future was more secure than he had ever dreamed possible .
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