Example sentences of "[adj] if they be [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Here people accept the importance of regular exercise but it is not clear if they are translating the message into action .
2 Martin Braine found that if children between five and six years of age are shown a standard visual illusion — such as a stick in water appearing to be broken , by light refraction — they will distinguish correctly between ‘ looks ? ’ and ‘ really ? ’ questions , but that if they are asked the neutral question ‘ Is the stick straight or broken ? ’ they will say that it is broken .
3 He is the incumbent for Peterborough , the seat which , arithmetically , need to fall to Labour if they are to form the next government with an overall majority .
4 Arts groups have only just begun to take on board the fact that they have to be much more proactive if they are to tap the creativity of people who may be confined to their homes or only get out to day centres with help .
5 While choreographers who wish to create a character and/or national ballet have an immense amount of material upon which to work , they must be very selective if they are to communicate the characteristic and/or purely nationalistic elements which will make a ballet unique .
6 They 've been hiring us for ten years but we , we ai n't gon na hire no more if they 're changing the bloody engines .
7 However , since tests are always used by different people in different settings , it is also necessary to know something about the extent to which the same tester may achieve stable scores , when the test is given to the same person on different occasions , or the extent to which the scores from different testers would be comparable if they were to test the same individual .
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