Example sentences of "[adj] if i [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And I probably should n't be telling you all this if I want to keep your sympathy .
2 It would perhaps have been entirely adequate if I had received it in any normal circumstances .
3 M.J. talked a lot , and Donald said I encouraged her too much , and that I.C.B. was on the point of being more personal and interesting if I had let her — but I was rather shy of it .
4 Appeals chief Dorothy Roberts said : ‘ I am upset if I have offended anyone , but the care of the patients must come first . ’
5 Sorry if I 've kept you waiting , General , ’ he said as he got in .
6 ‘ Look , ’ she heard him say , ‘ I 'm sorry if I 've made you unhappy , but I 'm not for you . ’
7 Deliberately ignoring the girl 's last comment , Beth replied in a more serious voice , ‘ I 'm sorry if I 've made you anxious , Peggy .
8 Robert said , ‘ I 'm sorry if I 've made you change any plans you had for today . ’
9 ‘ I 'm sorry if I 've bruised your ego , if you 're angry … ’
10 I 'm sorry if I 've upset you , old thing . ’
11 I 'm sorry if I 've upset you .
12 Sir , why have I got three if I 've got them all right ?
13 With a wry smile , Ellie admitted , ‘ It would n't have been so hard if I 'd known what he was talking about . ’
14 No , cos it 's quick if I have to keep your attention
15 It might have sounded embarrassing if I had said it , ’ I smiled .
16 I still was n't quite sure if I had got it quite right .
17 Now that I could be a gentleman , as I had always wished , I was not sure if I wanted to leave my home , which was full of happy memories .
18 pricey If I wanted to come you see , I 'd have to pay again !
19 It 'd have been better if I 'd kept them two .
20 It 'd have been better if I 'd told him to go ahead up against the tree .
21 Yes I did know she was going to be in Caracas and No I did n't tell you and Yes that was wrong but would it have been better if I 'd told you ?
22 ‘ But would n't it be better if I came to see her , just to meet her , so that she knows who you 're with ? ’
23 This research indicated that I should be able to obtain my tank , complete with cover glasses , for , though I might have manages even cheaper if I had asked someone who was a good customer of the tank-builder to order it in his own name rather than mine .
24 They 're one point eight G L Estate F reg , four thousand , two hundred , that 's A B C D E , five year 's difference , done four thousand , two hundred , two , eight hundred quid , well actually it 's , our cars worth over a grand if I 'd sprayed it up and put it on the market
25 But , oh he 's quite happy , he 'll curl up in the back of a car , but when I come home and he goes so berserk if I 've left him at home , I know that he 's been watching and listening and waiting for me all that time .
26 Uncertain how the children might react , I thought it would perhaps come in handy if I needed to defend myself .
27 ‘ My mother is almost here and she would be startled if I had to kiss you into silence .
28 ‘ I have n't had any breakfast yet and I get dizzy if I start moving my feet fast before I 've eaten . ’
29 Now if I point out that it 's in bold erm and it preempts a question that generally comes up and that is if we er we will pay thirty percent up to a hundred miles one way away from home and er if we had to send you , and it 's a big if I have to say it 's a big if in especially in the medical practice side , if we had to send you more than a hundred miles we will pay another five percent .
30 Is it expensive if I have to have it privately ?
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