Example sentences of "[adj] if it had [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I would not have minded the motion tonight quite so much if it had been given an honest title , such as the General Election ( Clearing the Decks ) Motion , or whatever title the Leader of the House wanted to give it .
2 It would have been very sad if it had been stopped . ’
3 This movement , as Rufus had no doubt intended , sent Mary toppling forward into Adam 's arms , her breasts lightly slapping into his chest in a way that would have been blissful if it had been allowed to continue but Mary , drunk as she was , had sprung aside , actually sprung to her feet , and rather late in the day hugged her arms across her chest .
4 Instead , the whole coating would have to be repainted much sooner that if it had been touched up periodically !
5 That I know we 're flogging a dead horse , but that half past ten , a phenomenal amount of time , it should never ever have taken a fraction of that if it had been done properly .
6 ‘ And it would n't have done that if it had been driven down to Streatley and back ? ’
7 " Income " includes income chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise ( UK source income ) and any income which would be chargeable if it had been received in the United Kingdom by a person resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom .
8 any income chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise ( first limb ) ; and 2. any income which would have been so chargeable if it had been received in the United Kingdom by a person domiciled , resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom ( second limb ) .
9 Before leaving the ministry in mid-1861 the sensible Evgraf Kovalevskii came up with a programme for reducing the volatility of the universities which might have been effective if it had been introduced gradually .
10 Would it have been the same if it had been collected by anyone else ?
11 I mean , it would n't have been the same if it had been called something else . ’
12 The transistor transformed the portable radio , cul-minating in the spectacle — bizarre if it had been witnessed 20 years earlier — of people going around with earphones and Walkmans .
13 Political and financial considerations were probably responsible for keeping the Staple at Calais ; in strictly economic terms it might have been more advantageous if it had been moved closer to the rising Dutch cloth towns .
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