Example sentences of "[adj] if [pron] [verb] your [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Another method is to give the baby a small amount of boiled water from a bottle before the morning feed , so that it feels full more quickly , or to feed from one breast only — this will tend to reduce your supply of milk overall , so you should only do this if you know your milk is plentiful .
3 Does that go for all subsid if you fail your subsid you can retake ?
4 Wait you 've got minus fifty six have n't you here ? this is minus fifty six if you use your brain .
5 ‘ I believe happiness is only possible if you follow your feeling , your intuition , your real desires .
6 If you are the right weight already you could very probably still be healthier if you reduced your intake of saturated fats .
7 By checking , over the course of time , on the assumptions about , and perceptions of , each other 's signals — it is confusing if I interpret your expression as annoyance when you are concentrating hard .
8 That if you change your mind remember you 're not entitled to anything .
9 Obviously if you pack your furniture in like that if you pack your furniture in in that way what you 'd end up with when the van stopped all the f all the furniture would move down to one end and be squashed .
10 ‘ I 'm sure if he wants your interference he 'll ask for it . ’
11 Yet these results seem quite astonishing if you cast your mind back to our last appearance at ‘ The Tip ’ .
12 Apart from treating injuries and strain , it could be extremely useful if you asked your chiropractor to advise your team or club .
13 You should only consider it at all if you believe your marriage can continue .
14 Red or black trim is also available if they suit your room better .
15 We could give you fifteen if you want your timber to maximum .
16 Well it 's not that hot if you put your hand at the side .
17 The point is that although book knowledge is in itself a good thing , it is useless and worse than useless if it deflects your attention from the question that you are being asked .
18 It 'd be nice if he paid your bus fares for you .
19 But do n't for one moment feel you 're fickle if you change your perfume constantly , on a whim .
20 You will almost certainly be asked to provide some kind of identification when you go to the hire shop — and do n't be surprised if you have your photograph taken !
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