Example sentences of "[adj] as it be [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His lips pressed against her hair , ran across the brow , all damp as it was with perspiration .
2 Unemployment is rising in every European country except in Spain , but there it is twice as high as it is in Britain .
3 There will not be much re-nationalisation , for example , and the top rate of tax will not be as high as it was under Mr Healey ( although it will start much lower down the scale ) .
4 The atmosphere was as lively as it was at Church House itself .
5 Occasionally this can be interesting as it is in Bintley 's Consort Lessons ( 1984 ) .
6 But in practice , modern Earthly life is a protege of water , as much as it is of carbon .
7 Uncertainty is the enemy of marketers as much as it is of City markets .
8 This matters because recent discussion shows Weber 's conception of class ( Wright , 1985 ) to be determined by production just as much as it is by Marx , but that Weber is concerned with consequences in terms of market exchanges , whereas Marx focuses on exploitation .
9 Enthusiasm in other Eastern European parliaments is waning too , but not as much as it is in Poland because Poland 's politics is even more fragmented than that of other countries .
10 She was lucky , she realised , that her financial situation remained much as it was in Donald 's life time .
11 Neither can the student unrest in Germany be said to have been as serious as it was in France .
12 Post-war America was in favour of a united Europe to stand more firmly against the Soviet Union , and successive American administrations grew irritable with the Europeans for failing to believe that unity in Europe could be as simple as it was in America .
13 Yes , yes , well I am too , and that we shall pay the penalty later on if we do n't get with us and I feel that erm , as difficult as the budget is , as tight as it is with reduction etcetera , I feel that we should make a positive funding for prevention or something , or er , because I think unless we do start somewhere , and quickly , we are going to pay the penalty at the end of the and so we 've got to make a date , you 've got to make a year , and if you wait and say and well we have n't got it now , well next year we shall say we have n't got it now , and the next year we 'll say we have n't got it now .
14 Furnished as it was in Cook 's time it 's now a museum containing many artefacts connected with Cook and his voyages .
15 Loch 's reputation in Shropshire does not appear to have been so contentious as it was in Scotland , and the landscape he created in the Wealdmoors is now level ploughland of peat interspersed with rectangular plantations of poplar .
16 The speed of sound in water is roughly four times as great as it is in air .
17 It must also take account of : ( 1 ) the market position and economic and financial strength of the parties to the merger ; ( 2 ) the availability of alternative products ; ( 3 ) barriers to entry ; ( 4 ) the interests of consumers ; and ( 5 ) the development of technical and economic progress as long as it is to consumers ' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition .
18 The Canadian Arctic remains as challenging as it was in Rae 's time .
19 Threfore , accurate diagnosis of H pylori in these patients is at least as important as it is in patients not taking NSAID .
20 I would be interested to experience a situation where medical intervention is not as widely available as it is in Great Britain .
21 He gave two reasons : over-critical remarks of Hailsham and Macmillan and — the main reason — ‘ It is judged that the showing of the Suez programme could have untoward consequences while the situation in the Arab world is as critical as it is at present . ’
22 ‘ Not as hot as it was on HMS Boxer . '
23 At heart , this was probably almost as welcome to the other five as it was to France .
24 Many circumstances are made intolerable as it is for lack of sufficient respite services .
25 We ask for three O eight to be referred or opposed if it is not and that you support motion three O nine as it 's in line with current policy .
26 This October the weather is as balmy as it is in spring , mused Joshua .
27 Convenient as it is to date the militarization of the Cold War from the outbreak of the war in Korea in June 1950 , warning signs of increasing East–West tension had occurred well before that crisis .
28 What they all tell you is that doing business and controlling credit overseas is much the same as it is at home except that it is more complicated and expensive .
29 The demographic data we have provided are accurate enough , but no resemblance to any existing hotel or hotels in Knutsford is intended , and the competitive position described here is not the same as it is in reality .
30 Loaded as it was with connotations of the body and pleasure — analogous to homosexuals in the United Kingdom , cast as out-groups , as bogeymen by the dominant culture , but attempting to fashion their own , necessarily coded , meanings rock 'n' roll was at first tolerated , because of its economic attractiveness , and then actively suppressed .
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