Example sentences of "[adj] as [pers pn] be to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In many ways , these additional protocols reinforced the impression that for France the EDC was designed as a guarantee for itself against possible German aggression as much as it was to be an anti-Soviet organisation .
2 The sickness of morning is already upon us , unaccustomed as we are to being up so early .
3 ‘ But you , Bethlehem … small as you are to be among Judah 's clans , out of you shall come forth a governor for Israel , one whose roots are far back in the past , in days gone by .
4 Close as they are to being sold , electricity and water will be largely unaffected by this week 's change .
5 Higueras warned Jim , ‘ Once a player is as close as you are to being number one in the world , the adjustments should be fractional in your game .
6 It remained silent , unused as it was to being asked for its opinions .
7 Bad as it is to be poor in Indian it 's worse to be as destitute as the street-children .
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