Example sentences of "[adj] say that i [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It would be unfair to say that I have formed a low view of the Foreign Office ; rather I have formed the view that Foreign Office activities have in some way become totally disconnected from the human race .
2 I have to carry my tetanus card so that if I was er injured and unconscious and not being able to say that I 've had the horse serum , the doctor thinking , Oh look look he 's got lots of soil in that cut , er give him a quick injection of the horse serum , that could actually be fatal .
3 I am ashamed to say that I have heard this said by social workers : ‘ all they really need is to be warm , comfortable and well fed ’ .
4 For all those who scoffed at the idea of my mastering anything complex like Excel , I 'm pleased to say that I 've bought my first copy , and it 's nothing like as hard as I thought .
5 It is right to say that I have heard from Mrs Paul 's classroom assistant during the last academic year , she appears virtually to have acted as an enabler , but she was by no means dedicated to Paul as a one to one enabler and of course the extent of the attention of which she had to give to Paul detracted from her ability to give attention to other pupils .
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