Example sentences of "[adj] she [verb] [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was much happier person because this this she 'd threatened to do for a long time .
2 Robbie had n't realised just how much she 'd missed sleeping in a conventional bed , with plenty of room to stretch out her long legs .
3 She ran through it , discovering how cold she had grown standing in the studio .
4 every day now , now I mean I do n't know how many she 's got living in there or what they 've got living in there , they stay
5 All she had left to clutch at was the memory of how she had felt .
6 All she has to do to get to work is walk out of her kitchen to her office just across the hall .
7 When push came to shove , all he 'd really done was make a pass at her — it was n't the first she 'd had to deal with , and probably would n't be the last .
8 By the 1930s she had stopped dancing in the line ; there was hardly time in her schedule , but she and her sister Mabel would sometimes perform a fan dance duet in cine-variety bills .
9 In fact , for the first year or two she 'd expected to hear from him , asking for a divorce so that he could marry Marissa , who had , apparently , followed him to Sydney .
10 ‘ If my daughter Araminta requires a home , ’ went on Aycliffe , ‘ let her marry Saul Quatt , whom I am perfectly aware she has planned to entrap in any event . ’
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