Example sentences of "[adj] that we be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once again , it would seem clear that we are dealing with the same individual , whose militant nationalism it was deemed expedient to conceal .
2 We want to make it clear that we are talking about a career that is structured so that both sexes can be successfully employed in it . ’
3 Right , and then some that we were looking at there was a function of a function .
4 At Withington it is possible that we are dealing with a part of this workforce .
5 It is possible that we are dealing with a massive international rubbish smuggling operation . "
6 Is n't it strange that we are taught about many things which may never come to pass and yet most of us are not prepared for the one inevitable occurrence in our lives ?
7 However , this good fortune can not be guaranteed and human psychology may be such that we are doomed to permanent hesitancy or disagreement , a fact with which each will have to cope from the perspective of his own attitudes .
8 I am glad that we are concentrating on conservation .
9 However , as the real appeal of DTP is in its ability to manipulate pages it 's likely that we are looking for a page makeup product such as PageMaker or its many rivals .
10 It is altogether more likely that we are faced with an interpolation .
11 Because there are interactions by age in figure 13.10 , it is likely that we are dealing with a generation effect .
12 I think we must be careful to be sure that we 're talking about a particular group in society in a sense , because you 've used words like ‘ graphical ’ and ‘ functions ’ and so forth and that seems to me to be limiting the section of society that we 're talking about — perhaps , what are we talking about , one in ten , one in four , certainly not more than that ?
13 You see , each of us has to make sure that we are listening to God 's voice and not our own fantasies .
14 Even where the name is recorded early on , however , we can not be sure that we are dealing with the same site , bearing in mind the movement implied above .
15 This makes me confident that we are going to be the winners in the animal feed market .
16 But all that we are requiring of him is that , widening his viewpoint from himself to the community , he has taken account of the communal effects of theft , before , as himself not the weigher but the balance , he allows himself finally to settle against or in favour of taking the money .
17 Erm , our best estimate is that we need the six hundred and eighty six thousand that we 're committed to , plus another two hundred and seventeen thousand in terms of additional staff to deal with the additional demand as it comes in .
18 I would , however , like to offer one word of encouragement deviating from our tour we visited a nearby studio and came across the artist Chris Stevens , whose vision was so extraordinary and talented that we were overwhelmed with excitement .
19 Here A's mistake is so extraordinary that we are justified in wondering whether he was not insane at the time of the deed , his insanity being an omitted fact .
20 The weather was very rough and it was evident that we were heading into another part of the blizzard ; white cascades of billowy snow swirled around us , as the aircraft roared , bumped and bucketed towards our goal some 400 miles to the west .
21 I 'm very ha happy that we 're going to Sarah 's because quite honestly I go I 've got ta get out of that ca house !
22 It will be apparent that we were fascinated by the phenomenon of crofting , as we presume most other newcomers to it must be .
23 That believes that local councils should operate services , should do it at the dictate of the department of the environment and indeed it 's regrettable that we are surrounded by some local authorities who feel that their world is precisely that .
24 Whatever the answer may be , it is certain that we are dealing with an extremely strange reaction here , and one that might repay much greater attention .
25 Clearly if I had been aware that we were going to be talking about the merits of other routes , then I would have prepared a different statement .
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