Example sentences of "[adj] that i could [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I thought we 'd been getting on pretty well but as Father 's Day approached , Joe made it clear that I could n't hope to be any more than just second best
2 I exhibited at the exhibition for several years but abandoned this when it became clear that I could not compete with the accuracy of the machine-made product .
3 I am afraid that I could not find anything objectionable in his speech or in the regulations .
4 I am afraid that I could not catch the last part of my hon. Friend 's question , but I agree with him about the importance that he attaches to the single market .
5 The roof of the pub was so low that I could not stand upright .
6 But , although I tried hard , I just could n't … well , I 'm really sorry that I could n't cope with your mother .
7 ‘ I am sorry that I could not spare you . ’
8 Brian 's enthusiasm was such that I could n't keep up my negative stance and was soon busy designing peat-moulding machinery , marketing plans and discussing the number of people who could be employed in such schemes .
9 I was stricken with a love so vast that I could n't find the edges .
10 I was ready to fight him after this , but he danced about so much that I could n't get close to him .
11 I was very dismayed that I could n't enjoy swapping ideas with Brian any more without things turning into a do-or-die debate .
12 Before my first evening class in English I was no nervous that I could n't eat !
13 ‘ It 's not terribly easy to go away with that sort of thing ringing in your ears , but for all that I could n't have chosen a more marvellous or rewarding life . ’
14 I was so angry with them all that I could not stay there a moment longer , and rushed out into the darkness .
15 After two hours , I reached firmer ground but became concerned that I could not see a four hundred foot escarpment which , according to the map , should have been less than a mile ahead .
16 I was so hungry that I could not cry .
17 How could I refuse her except by saying my death was so probable that I could not allow such a sacrifice ?
18 The injustice of this request seemed so intolerable that I could n't speak .
19 The faces grinning from the tatty punk regalia looked so depraved and hollow-eyed that I could not bear to think of my American blues friends calling them ‘ sir ’ .
20 ‘ I spoke to Robert — he called Dawn and she became so hysterical that I could n't understand her .
21 But at the time I was just hurt that I could n't wade out into the lake and save them .
22 He described a life so different from my own that I could not have imagined it — ‘ She loved me for the dangers I had passed , and I loved her , that she did pity them . ’
23 The mist was so thick that I could not see anything .
24 I was so disappointed that I could n't speak at the final whistle . ’
25 I was staying on I said oh er , yeah cos yo , had Joe saying you were disappointed that I could n't say it to your face !
26 I was now certain that I could not see myself in any type of residential home in the future .
27 However , due to a lack of refinements such as a truss rod , the neck was so warped that I could n't put any frets on it , and so I was introduced to the world of fretless bass at an early age … ’
28 I spent a perplexing evening in a Georgia bar some years ago endeavouring to persuade a local that I could NOT have driven from London .
29 This seemed to me so true that I could n't imagine why it was not universally acknowledged .
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