Example sentences of "[adj] that i [was/were] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I thought it over again and I have decided there must be an announcement , because it would indicate the merits of the matter and make it perfectly clear that I was in the right . ’
2 I have never felt so much that I was in a foreign country with seemingly infinite resources available for any purpose you care to name , from stretch automobiles to space travel .
3 Apparently convinced that I was behind the ABC and NBC stories and the media follow-up around the world , they blew my cover in a television broadcast that also went out around the world .
4 I blinked twice , not sure that I was in the right country .
5 He was so thick that I was in the same form as Dan .
6 He was obviously satisfied that I was on the level and reserved two birds on the spot , £35 each .
7 ‘ I was not aware that I was in the hydrographic business , David . ’
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