Example sentences of "[adj] that it [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The linguistic explanation of legare as a general term helps , then , to explain some serious awkwardnesses , but it is not clear that it disposes of all entirely .
2 In fact , the Report makes clear that it aims at much more .
3 His impact was such that it led to further villainy — as the probably gay hit man in the Big Combo ( 1955 ) , as a rapist and murderer in Ride Lonesome ( 1959 ) , as Lee Marvin 's psychotic side-kick in The Man Who Shot Liberty Vallance ( 1962 ) as well as more conventional heavies in Gunfight at the OK Corral ( 1956 ) , The Tin Star ( 1957 ) and How the West Was Won ( 1962 ) .
4 The amazing thing about this second ‘ Carry On ’ was not so much that it succeeded at all , but that it outgrossed the first in the series .
5 David Lloyd , his captain at Lancashire , tells a story that once in a Gillette Cup match against Gloucestershire at Old Trafford , Clive Lloyd edged a ball from Mike Procter so hard that it went for six .
6 The winter wind skeetered viciously along the dirty pavement and the grey air was so thick with cold that it felt like frosted glass against the raw flesh of my face .
7 Thus , for example , we may be 99 per cent sure that the true population value is within 3 per cent of the estimate , or 99.9 per cent sure that it falls within 10 per cent of the same estimate , or 95 per cent certain that it falls within 1 per cent of the estimate .
8 ‘ The idea I have in view whilst I make the demonstration ’ may be of a particular right-angled triangle with sides of a certain length , but I may , nevertheless , be sure that it holds of all right-angled triangles if , by not mentioning the ways in which it differs from them , I use this one to stand for them all .
9 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that those dramatic figures are eloquent testimony to the fact that under Labour the number of days lost was so dramatic that it resulted in near anarchy and that , as a result of our legislation , there are now proper secret ballots and democracy in the workplace ?
10 The humble toad , so slow and cumbersome that it looks like easy pickings for any predatory mammal or bird , has survived for millions of years because it has managed to evolve a particularly virulent poison called bufotalin .
11 For internal audit to carry out these responsibilities it is essential that it operates with adequate independence .
12 An enormous bomb fell on a place nearby called Spurgeon 's Tabernacle , so close that it blew in all the windows and knocked the marquee for six .
13 Thus , for example , we may be 99 per cent sure that the true population value is within 3 per cent of the estimate , or 99.9 per cent sure that it falls within 10 per cent of the same estimate , or 95 per cent certain that it falls within 1 per cent of the estimate .
14 If you want the earth to move for you , it 's best that it starts with small tremors and works its way slowly up the Richter .
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