Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] will [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet the Queen Mum has made it quite clear that she will decide for herself .
2 Indeed , it is clear that there will need to be a significant improvement in the conditions associated with part-time work if this is to be seen as a real alternative for older workers .
3 How is it possible that what will prove to be an act of technological genocide has been carried out in the name of international law ?
4 Predators can , of course , usually scan the entire field by moving the head , and the owl 's head is so mobile that it will turn through 360 degrees .
5 Please rest assured that nothing will get beyond the earliest stages of preparation without full consultation taking place .
6 After many years of patient work , it has been possible not only to isolate the multipotential stem cells but provide conditions such that they will differentiate into the different kinds of blood cell in culture .
7 ‘ It is plainly in the interests of the more efficient administration of justice that there should be split trials in appropriate cases , as even where the decision on the first part of a split trial is such that there will have to be a second part , it may be desirable that the decision shall be appealed before incurring the possibly unnecessary expense of the second part .
8 He laments over his sword , Durendal , fearful that it will fall into pagan hands ; he lists the relics in its golden hilt — the tooth of St Peter , the blood of St Basil , some hairs of his lord St Denis ( the patron saint of France ) and a piece of St Mary 's dress .
9 Repairs are expected to costs hundreds of millions of dollars , and French scientists have admitted that damage to some reactors may be so serious that they will have to be closed on safety grounds .
10 As a result , and because consumers like variety , it 's likely that they 'll want to er , consume different types of what , what is essentially the same , the same good .
11 Although augmented now by police powers to give instructions in the control of processions and assemblies and the new crime of offensive conduct it seems likely that they will continue to be of immense practical importance .
12 Their devotion to the group makes it less likely that they will think in creative ways that are tangential to , or radically different from , those of the group .
13 In general , it seems likely that what will emerge over the next few decades will be two parallel systems : one with large offshore windmills , wave power generators and tidal barrages providing electricity for the grid ; the other more decentralised , with solar and biomas providing heat on a small scale local basis , coupled with small windmills , water mills and turbines in rivers and streams providing electricity in certain mainly rural areas .
14 After a contrasting period ( the third , or the third and fourth sentences ) it is most likely that we will return to the original theme .
15 If you define your needs first it is much more likely that you 'll go for a mix of simple word processing and basic graphics .
16 Go on any Earth Mysteries trip to an ancient site and it is highly likely that you will see at least one person walking holding wire rods or holding a weight on the end of a piece of string .
17 Erm the remaining seventy two percent are entirely separate from this and obviously that 's a a very important point to bear in mind when you consider the level of allocation that 's been made first of all , and secondly the likelihood that if that is successful , first of all if it 's approved , if it 's recommended by the panel and eventually taken on by the county , and secondly if happens , then it is likely that it will result in skewing of the workforce even more towards the manufacturing sector of the economy and would in our view be contrary to the aim of diversification of the economic base .
18 When in doubt , beef it up — the more powerful the force , the less likely that it will have to fight and the more likely that it will succeed in its mission .
19 While it is quite true that , with exceptional care , a polythene liner is capable of lasting for 10 years or more , it is more likely that it will perish within three , the area between the water surface and ground level being bleached by the sun , cracking and falling away .
20 He added that " it seems to me likely that it will fall to be resolved by the Court of Justice at the end of the day " .
21 The plain truth , however , is that if the buyer does put off buying until another day it is as likely that he will buy from the competition .
22 However , if this holist conception is to provide a standard for at least some explanations within the social sciences , and if it is to avoid the difficulties discussed in Part II , it is obvious that it will need to be greatly refined and elaborated .
23 Because it is inevitable that there will continue to be an increased use of IT within enterprises , existing computer- and telecommunications-based managers clearly would normally be expected to be in a much stronger position than existing library and information centre managers to become the overall managers of all the information-based resources of the firm , IT-based or not , if that is what the company decides it needs .
24 Quite sure that you 'll find in the end that I 'm right and it was set up by murdering bog-trotters .
25 In any event , you can be sure that you 'll dine in grand style wherever you stay in the Western Loire .
26 Should you decide to come here , I feel sure that you will discover for yourself the vibrant nature of the place .
27 You can make sure that you will score by following with a snap punch .
28 I am not sure that you will agree with me , but I have no doubt about it ; our Parry on the old lines will have no future in the life of this Country ( Hear , hear ) .
29 Erm we set up I think a very successful service and if I could just mention a sad note here , me some members will know who was the county occupational therapy coordinator largely designed the service here and I 'm very sorry to say that er she died the other day but her service is very much a tribute to her and we do in fact have a large number of people who will want to come and work for us as OTs because it is a good service and I 'm sure that you will agree with that .
30 I am very sure that you will agree with me , if I may borrow a phrase from Joyce , that we all hope that it 's not at all unlikely that George Craig will come again to preach .
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