Example sentences of "[adj] not [adv] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Head and neck covered with white down , with a creamy-white ruff at the base but this not easily visible in the field .
2 It is dependent not so much on the generous staffing levels of PNP Phase 1 ( though that obviously helped a great deal ) as on a combination of a degree of staffing flexibility and a basic preparedness to accept that this kind of role is important and needs to be built into a school 's staffing arrangements under whatever label is deemed appropriate .
3 Although I have serious reservations about the methodology of most of these studies ( in that they are far too pessimistic about the ability of the business community to respond to changing circumstances following changing relative prices ) and although some of the shortages which appear are due not so much to the limits of nature as the intervention and regulation of governments , nevertheless they raise sufficiently serious doubts about such things as the effects of carbon dioxide and the present lack of adequate recycling that I believe they must be taken seriously .
4 However , this association may be due not so much to the parents ' socio-economic situation but , since most women in the childbearing ages were economically active at that time in Hungary , as to the occupational conditions of the mothers .
5 Is that not just one of the many human rights being denied to Palestinians in the occupied territories , which have been illegally occupied by Israel for 24 years ?
6 The differences between Reich and Freud are concerned not so much with the desirability of sexual activity in youth so as to avoid later sexual disturbances , and therefore the need for change in the morality of that period , as with the consequences which could be hoped for as a result .
7 These constructions are the stuff of James 's psychological elaboration , since he is concerned not so much with the relation between persons and persons , or between persons and things , as between persons and psychological states and events .
8 In the most recent case , the court was concerned not so much with the deliberate communication of confidential information but rather with the danger posed by the " chance remark " or the " inadvertent " risk of leaking the information .
9 Like all professional photographers working for the city 's major advertising agencies , Tony Bowran 's diary offers few spaces for those not wholly involved with the business of photography .
10 Interest would be stimulated among those not directly involved with the test .
11 The ladies ' K4 was significant not so much for the Germans and Hungarians in the first two places but for the Chinese who took the bronze , their first ever World medal .
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