Example sentences of "[adj] they [vb past] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In this they went beyond the goals set by Zambia or Zimbabwe .
2 I 'm afraid they came down the steps and chose the path leading away from me , so I only saw those three at a distance .
3 and you were sort of given the time and and and er er you know I 'm sure they paid for the books or whatever you needed
4 I think it 's right they talked to the delegates , and they should talk more about it .
5 Erika knew the words of a Protestant pastor , himself tortured and executed by the Gestapo : ‘ First they came for the Jews — and we said nothing .
6 First they came for the Jews , then they came for the communists , then they came for the trade unionists , then they came for me ’ , he repeats over a silky , mesmeric House groove , gradually adding a line each time , until he gets to ‘ and there was no-one left to speak up for me ’ .
7 At first they climbed to the heights to look down on Nature or to survey the scene — encouraging the building of ‘ stations ’ such as the Windermere Octagon ; but after Thomas Gray 's Journal of a Tour in the Lakes ( written in 1769 ) artists began to take their views from the valleys .
8 Another group of conscripts had on May 14 occupied the national radio station but failed to persuade staff to broadcast their demands , and on May 16 they rampaged through the streets of Abidjan firing their weapons .
9 One by one they jounced over the ruts , and formed up in pairs .
10 One by one they emerged down the steps onto the sands , glowing .
11 It was essential they worked through the problems for themselves .
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